When I walk into the dining hall the next morning minus a headache and several friends, I’m greeted with stony silence. Eastern gives me a brief, guarded look before continuing to eat his breakfast. Sonny is staring at me as though I’ve grown an extra limb and he’s trying to work out this new version of me. Ford and Kate refuse to acknowledge me, and Pink gives me a small smile before returning to her whispered conversation with Eastern. He grimaces, flashing me another hot stare that is filled with way too much meaning that I can’t even begin to unravel in the few short steps to the self-service station. Better that reception from him than any kind of friendly greeting. We’re not friends anymore. At least on the surface.

The rest of the cohort are just ignoring me completely. Including the members of the HH and No Name crew. Camden is chatting with Emerald and doesn’t even bother to look over though I’d bet my arse he knows I’ve arrived. Well, whatever. I knew last night was too good to be true anyway. He’s back to being a first-class arsehole. No surprises there.

Gathering a tray, plate and some cutlery, I help myself to my usual choice of scrambled egg, toast and a few slices of bacon. Once I’ve grabbed a cup of tea and some orange juice I automatically walk towards Eastern, Pink and Kate who are sitting together, then stop suddenly as I realise my mistake.

What am I doing?

For a lot longer than is comfortable, I stand with my feet rooted to the spot. My head is telling my feet to fucking turn around and walk towards Camden, but my heart and every other part of me is yelling at me to keep going. To sit with my friends. This is harder than I thought. My skin’s fucking crawling knowing I have to sit with that bunch of arseholes.

“Is there a problem with your legs?” A low voice whispers into my ear.


“Stay away from me, you fucking prick,” I hiss, stiffening as Monk runs his hand down my arm. If I weren’t holding the tray I would’ve turned around and smacked him across that shit ugly face of his. Across the room, Eastern stands. In two strides Ford’s at his side, gripping his arm. The exchange is brief, but whatever Ford says, Eastern listens because he sits back down scowling. Guess I’m on my own with this one. That’s okay, I can handle Monk.

“That’s no way to talk to your fam, Asia.”

“You’re not my fuckingfam. Let’s get that straight, dickwad,” I bite out. The items on my tray slide about as I turn to face him. I don’t know how the fuck I don’t manage to spill everything on the floor, but apart from a little orange juice spilling over onto the tray, I don’t. “Get out of my way,” I snap, pushing the edge of the tray into his stomach. I’m pretty sure the whole fucking dining hall is watching our exchange now. I’ve got to keep my cool, but fuck, this dick needs a kick in the nuts.

“Welcome to the crew, Asia,” he says with a sardonic smile. His attitude is less arsehole and more ‘creepy fucktard’ as Camden approaches us.

“Problem?” he asks Monk but directs his question to me. His face is blank of emotion, but one look in his eyes and you’d be a fool to think he’s anything but raging.

“Nah, just welcoming Asia to the crew. We’re gonna be great mates now, yeah?” Monk says, grinning.

I make a kind of hissing noise that has Monk smirking again.

“Sit down,” Camden orders loudly. When Monk doesn’t move immediately, he leans towards him. “I said, sit the fuck down.”

Monk smirks. “Yes,Boss.”

He steps out of the way and I can feel Camden’s hand on my lower back as we walk past him. I’m not sure if it’s a protective gesture or one of ownership. Either way it doesn’t really matter, neither are welcome. One I can look after myself, and two he doesn’t own me, not in the way he thinks anyway. Camden steers me towards his crew in their corner of the dining hall. Now they’re watching me with varying shades of hate.

“You all know, Asia. She’s part of the crew now. Any fucking issues about that you come to me first. Understood?” Camden says, making sure he looks at every single one of them, particularly Monk who’s sat back down at the table with another full plate of food.

“You’re fucking losing it,” one of Monk’s wolves mutters. “She’ll never be one of us.”

“Need I remind you about how I accepted you into the crew, Dagger, even though we were enemies once? You got amnesia or something?” When he doesn’t answer, Camden nods his head. “Yeah, didn’t think so,” he adds.

Dagger grits his jaw, then looks at me. “I don’t trust you, but I do trust Camden. Don’t fuck this up.”

I don’t bother to answer. He doesn’t deserve my attention.

“Anyone else got something to say?” Camden growls.

They stay silent, but whilst they might not be talking with words, I know exactly what they think of me. Emerald and Diamond are looking me up and down, not even bothering to hide their disgust. Bram and Red are sitting at the far end of the table, glaring. Monk’s wolves are sneering. The only person who isn’t giving me the stink eye is Ruby, the girl who was lookout when Emerald and Diamond tried to jump me in the toilets last term and who’d smirked when I’d cussed Monk out on the sports field. If ever a person didn’t belong here, it’s her. I wonder what her story is. She gives me a nod, a small smile pulling up her lip. Monk coughs loudly and she snaps her gaze away. Ah, I see. I get it. Monk rules her with fear. I make a mental note to chat to Ruby at some point. Can’t have this dick thinking he’s the big ‘I am’. I’m certain I’ve shown everyone he’s not.

“Over here,” Camden says, taking my tray and moving off to an empty table just to the right of the main one.

“Cosy,” I say as he places my tray down and sits.

“I want you to myself,” he shrugs as if that’s explanation enough. I suppose it is. He told me once he’s very possessive of the things that belong to him. I’m guessing that possession is showing now. Sliding into my seat next to him, I pick up my knife and fork and start eating. Every bite tastes like ash in my mouth but I force every mouthful down. I don’t want any of these arseholes to think I’m affected in any way. Balls to them. After a few minutes, the rest of the HH crew stop staring at me and start chatting, eating, and generally not paying me anymore attention. For now, at least. Good, the motherfuckers need to get used to me because I’m not going anywhere until I get what I want.

Pushing my plate away, I take a moment to glance over at Eastern. He’s talking to Pink and Kate. Despite the tension in the room, all of them seem genuinely at ease with one another. I don’t know whether to be happy or gutted. I think I’m a little bit of both.

“Looks like Eastern’s made some new friends,” Camden remarks, leaning closer to me. He places his hand on the table just centimetres from my own. I pull my hand away, tucking it between my legs so I don’t do something stupid like punch him if he tries to get all PDA on me again.