“What do you see when you look at them?”

“I’m not gonna lie, I see quite a few arseholes. I also see kids who are fucked up by their situations and their pasts. Maybe I’m too forgiving, but I always try and see the good in people even when that might be really, really hard. That flaw in my personality is how I’m able to be cool with you now. Iknowyou’re good, Asia.”

“What about Monk?”

“With the exception of Monk. He’s a cunt.”

I laugh darkly. “Yeah, he’s a cunt.”

“Bram, Red, and the rest of Monk’s wolves are bastards too….” Pink pulls a face, puffing out her cheeks. I know what she’s thinking, most of the crew are.

“Better the devil you know, right?” I say lamely.

Pink chews on her lip. “Thing is, Asia. Kate believed you were the type of girl who’d hold your ground when things got tough, when everyone else either keeps their head down or joins the dark side so they’re not the next victim.”

“This isn’t some sci-fi movie, Pink. Besides, that sounds slightly racist.”

“You know what I mean. Luke had to choose between the Jedi and the Sith. Anyway,” she says, wafting her hand in the air, “You’ve disappointed her, I guess.”

“Looks like I’m doing that a lot lately,” I mutter. I can’t protest in any way. That’s how I would see it too. Could I be as forgiving as Pink, as understanding? I doubt it.

For a while Pink doesn’t say anything more and we’re left in awkward silence whilst I try to figure out what to do next. Eventually she pulls her feet from the water and stands.

“I’ll try and speak with Kate. She might come around to the idea, eventually.”

“Thank you… And Pink…”


“Will you do me a favour?”

“It depends on what that is,” she replies, frowning.

“Look out for Eastern for me. He’ll need a friend.”

“What about Sonny and Ford?”

“They have each other… They have their crew.”

“And what about you? Do you really think Camden has your back?”

“I wouldn’t have chosen him if I didn’t think that.” It’s a lie, a blatant one, but it’s all I’ve got.

“Is he worth it?”

“He has to be,” I whisper.

“What’s that?” she asks.

“Nothing, it was nothing. See you around?” I ask, hopeful when I’ve no right to be.

She nods. “Yeah, see you around.”

I watch Pink walk away, and for the second time in one day my heart fucking cracks that little bit more.