“What’s up, Asia?” Pink asks as I slide into my seat next to her in the dining hall a couple hours later.
Eastern is currently piling his plate high with every single item available from the self-service station, a ridiculous look of awe on his face. It should be amusing that he’s so happy about filling his stomach. It isn’t. It only serves to remind me that until very recently breakfast for Eastern consisted of a cup of cheap tea and smoggy London air. He always gave up whatever portion of breakfast he had for Braydon, knowing his younger brother needed it more.
“You’re out of sorts girl, spill,” she insists.
“Nah, I’m good,” I lie.
Pink makes a snorting noise. “Yup, and my name’s Beige. Seriously, you’re so shit at covering up your true feelings you know.”
“No, I’m not.”
“Err, yeah you are. Does this have to do with those four boys fighting over you?”
“I haven’t got four boys fighting over me…”If only it were that fucking simple.
Opposite us, Kate makes a scoffing noise. She’s quiet this morning too, but I don’t see Pink grilling her. In fact, she looks distinctly miserable. I’m guessing her Christmas break didn’t go too well.
“Not what we heard,” Kate snips, her lips pinching together when I glare at her.
“What exactlyhaveyou heard?” I hiss, very aware that Eastern is making his way over to us. He’s giving his best swagger, like he doesn’t give a shit all eyes are on him but is also trying not to drop his tray full of food and make a tit of himself. I can’t love him anymore in that moment. He lifts his head and catches my eye, winking. My heart swells, then my stomach drops just like it did on the rollercoaster ride last night. Entering the dining hall is Camden followed by fuckingMonk. The arsehole is looking way too pleased with himself.
I can’t believe I’m going to join Camden’s crew and will have to put up with that dipshit.
Thank fuck Eastern is oblivious to them both, at least right now as he concentrates on getting his arse into a seat and not dropping his breakfast all over the floor.
“Camden challenged Ford to a fight over you. It’s like something out of a fucking movie except they used their fists instead of swords,” Pink smirks, finding this all highly amusing.
“At least it wasn’t guns,” Kate adds. She looks at me with haunted eyes, and for the first time ever gives me a glimmer of the heartache she’s shielding.
“Kate?” I question.
She shakes her head minutely as Eastern plops down beside her.Not now, her eyes tell me.
“Alright, ladies?” he asks, attempting to be a little more friendly after I told him Pink and Kate had become friends. He knows that I don’t have many of them, so he’s going to try and not be an arsehole.
“If it isn’t the bestie!” Pink exclaims, leaning over the table and nabbing a sausage from Eastern’s plate. She takes a large bite out of it, chewing noisily before smacking her lips together. “I do love a nice juicy sausage.”
“Not what I heard,” Eastern quips, a grin sparkling in his eyes.
Next to him Kate rolls her eyes. She’s not impressed by Eastern’s charm, but she keeps her mouth shut on the sarcastic remark I know she’s just desperate to unleash on him. Pink laughs loudly, almost choking on the remainder of the sausage. I thump her on the back as tears of mirth spring from her eyes.
“I like you,” she says to Eastern.
He grins. “I think I might like you as well,Pinky.”
“Pinky?” Kate groans, raising an eyebrow.
“What,Little Miss Sunshine? Got a problem with that?”
Kate’s eyes widen with hurt, then darken with pain. I’m guessing that’s a nickname she’s heard more than once before now. It’s no surprise, given she barely smiles and is about as friendly as a hungry crocodile to those she doesn’t deem worthy of her time.
“For a start, do not call meLittle Miss Sunshine,” Kate snaps, eyeballing Eastern, “And her name is Pink, not fucking Pinky. Got it?” Kate pushes her plate away, clearly losing her appetite.
“Shit, I’m just teasing. Sorry,Kate,” Eastern says, pulling a face before stuffing his mouth full of bacon, scrambled egg and his one remaining sausage. If I didn’t love him so much, I’d be calling for a trough, loading all the food in it and suggesting he ate out of that.
“Hey, I don’t mind Pinky. It’s kinda cute,” Pink shrugs, trying her best to diffuse the situation.