In my heart I know that none of them will forgive me for selling out. Not only will I lose Pink and Kate’s friendship, I won’t have to worry about choosing between any of the boys because Sonny and Ford will make the choice for me. What had Ford told me before? That’s right, loyalty meanseverythingto him, and I’m about to show him that loyalty is something I can’t give him no matter how much I want to. Heaving out a sigh, I flick my cigarette butt out of the window and wait for Sonny and Ford to join us.

I briefly consider dashing to my room, locking the door and burying my head in the proverbial sand, but by the time I’ve decided to run, there’s a knock at Pink’s door.

I groan internally.Too late, chicken-shit.

“Come in!” Pink calls out merrily, winking at me. She’s loving this.

Kate grimaces. “Want us to stay?”

“Nah, reckon I need to have this conversation on my own. Thanks though,” I say.

“Sure thing.” Kate nods, grabbing Pink by the arm and dragging her from the room just as Sonny and Ford enter.

“Hey, this is my room, remember?!?” she complains, trying to shake out of Kate’s firm grasp.

Kate just yanks harder, pulling her towards the door and into the hallway beyond.

“No getting jiggy with it on my bed, arseholes! I don’t need any wet patches!” she shouts from the hallway. I can hear Kate tell her to shut up and the laughter that follows. My cheeks redden at her outburst, but I resolutely ignore the heat prickling my skin and face them both. Now is not the time to be a pussy.

“Have you got me tagged or something? How did you know I’d be in Pink’s room and not Kate’s or my own?”

“We tried both those places first,” Sonny says with a shrug.

“That makes sense,” I fumble, not ready to have this conversation. “What do you want?”

Ford shuts the bedroom door behind him and leans against the wood. He crosses his arms and feet, watching me whilst Sonny makes himself comfortable on the bed. I’m currently perched on Pink’s desk feeling more and more uncomfortable by the minute. This is a far cry from how I felt falling asleep in their arms not so long ago.

“Want to tell us what’s going on?” Ford asks, but it’s not phrased as a question. This is a demand. That’s just his manner. Demanding, intense, sincere. I glance at Sonny helplessly but he’s staring at me just as intently. Looks like he’s not going to help my predicament. He seems cool, aloof and far from the jovial kid I’ve become used to.

“There’s nothing much to say. Eastern is joining Oceanside after the Christmas break.”

“Why? What did he do?” Sonny asks this time, forcing me to look at him because of the uncertainty in his voice. He’s wary, unsure, and the most guarded I’ve ever seen him. Does he sense the truths I’m hiding, the ones I can’t possibly share with him?

“Drug running. Got caught with Mary-J. His lawyer got him a good deal. Now he’s here.” I respond with quick statements hoping to hide the lie sitting heavy in my chest. Everyone knows you get caught running Class B drugs you’re in prison. End of discussion. Except he isn’t, he’s here because we made a deal.

He nods tightly, his gaze penetrating mine until I’m forced to look away.

“He’s your best friend?” Another statement from Ford.

“Yes.”And so much more than that.

He nods, pushing off from the door and striding towards me. He grasps my upper arm in a vicelike grip, cupping my cheek gently. The differing holds warring with each other and screwing up my already overwrought emotions. I’ve just about had enough of today.

“Take your hands off me,” I say, trying and failing to sound like I mean it.

“Ford, what are you doing?” Sonny whispers. Out of the corner of my eye I can see him sit up, dragging his arse to the edge of the bed.

“Shut up, Sonny. This is between me and Asia,” he retorts.

“Like hell it is!” Sonny stands, but before he can do anything Ford’s hand slides around the back of my head and pulls me towards him. He crashes his mouth against mine, forcing my mouth open with his tongue. It’s a brutal, soul-searing kiss and as he plunders my mouth with vicious intent all I can do is take it. This is Ford marking what’s his and like everything else, he does so with resolve and passion. He doesn’t hold back, and he certainly doesn’t question whether I want his kiss or not. He just takes, and fuck if I can only respond with whimpers of my own. I’m getting the impression with Ford that it’s either all or nothing. He sensed the closeness between Eastern and I… thelove, and he wants to make himself known.

I want to shout that I hear him loud and clear. That I feel something too, but it doesn’t matter how I feel. As soon as I join Camden’s crew it’s all going to shit anyway.

When he lets me go just as roughly as he grabbed me, I’m left reeling, so much so that I stumble back a few steps. This time it’s Sonny who catches me. He holds me against his side cursing Ford under his breath.

“Eastern isn’t the only one who wants you, who has your back. Just so we’re clear,” Ford says, panting now. He looks from me to Sonny. “If I were in your shoes, Sonny, I’d stake my claim too,” Ford growls before turning on his heel, yanking the door open and striding from the room, leaving me speechless and Sonny with his mouth hanging open.

“Well, fuck! Not sure how I follow that display of possessiveness,” Sonny eventually says.