“Let’s have that kiss then, Asia,” Ford mutters, his tongue wetting his lips as I crawl towards him on my hands and knees, eliciting another round of groans. Eastern must be getting an eyeful given I’m wearing a thong and my skirt has ridden up around my arse. Honestly, I don’t know what has possessed me to be so seductive, possibly the whiskey, or maybe it’s just my need to scratch that itch that’s been bugging me for weeks now. Either way, I’m going to get these boys to worship Queen Clit tonight, one way or the other. Pink will be proud. I grab hold of Ford’s shoulders and slide my legs around his waist. When my skirt makes it difficult for me to get closer, I yank up the hem letting it bunch up around my hips. Camden makes a familiar growling noise as the temperature in the room goes up about fifty degrees.

“Hey,” Ford says, his voice dark, dangerous as he grabs my arse, forcing my crotch against his. My damp knickers meet the hard granite of his cock and sensation zings from my clit up my spine. I can’t help myself. I rock my damp core against his dick. Once, twice, three times, loving the friction.

“Asia. Don’t, I might lose control,” he grinds out.

I lean forward and press my mouth against his ear. “So, lose it.”

In that moment, the usually calm, clear headed Ford does exactly that.

One minute I’m straddling him, the next I’m pinned beneath his firm, muscular body like all those weeks ago on the field. Except this time, I’m practically naked and his tongue is unapologetically plundering my mouth. His kiss is hot as fuck. So hot, that I find myself losing all my inhibitions and widening my legs, wrapping my calves around his arse. He kisses me with deep strokes of his tongue, cupping my head and tangling his fingers in my hair as he rides against me, the soft material of his jogging pants providing just the perfect amount friction. Ford kisses me to prove a point; that he turns me the fuck on. And he does. He really,reallydoes.

I reach down, my fingers seeking out the waistband of his joggers as I lose all sense of my own self-control. Above the frantic beating of my heart, and the rushing pulse of blood in my ear, I hear the others groan. But when my fingers stroke against the tip of his velvety cock, feeling the warmth of pre cum beading there, he rears back, pulling me up with him.

“Believe me I want to… I really,reallywant to but the first time I fuck you it won’t be with anyone watching. That pleasure will solely be mine.”

Queen Clit nearly calls for his head.

“Holy Jesus, fuck,” Sonny exclaims, swiping a hand through his hair. “Please, God, let me be next,” he says, putting his palms together in a prayer as I crawl back into the centre of the circle.

Everyone laughs, relieving some of the tension.

Pulling my skirt back over my hips, I spin the bottle for the second time. It stops equal distance between Eastern and Camden. I tap my finger on my chin, looking between them both. “So, who’s it to be?”

“Well, this arsehole here has had you his whole damn life. I got to make up time. Come here, bae,” Camden says, his voice low, sexy.

Eastern rolls his eyes, then grins wickedly. “Go for it mate, the best things come to those who wait.”

Camden laughs softly, drawing my attention back to him. I bite on my lip and he groans again, his pupils enlarging with lust. Crawling forward I give Sonny the same view of my arse that Eastern had a moment before and his groan has me laughing as I climb into Camden’s lap, straddling him the same way as I did Ford. Camden regards me, his topaz depths swirling with the promises he refused to say out loud.

“You’ve got me in chains,” he grinds out, pulling me closer and kissing me deep and hard. His tongue sweeps into my mouth, his hands circling my back. One dips low, his fingers searching beneath the waistband of my skirt clutching my arse. The other finds it way around the front of my body, cupping my breast gently, his thumb circling my nipple. I grip hold of him, my nails digging into his wide shoulders. I hold on tight and let him guide me knowing he’ll keep me above water. Knowing he won’t let me drown. We kiss long and hard, neither one of us coming up for air, until eventually, reluctantly, Camden pulls back.

“Fuck, Asia. If I don’t stop now, I won’t let the rest of these motherfuckers get their turn.”

I laugh softly, giving him one last gentle kiss, then untangle myself from his hold.

“Is it getting hot in here?” Sonny complains, wafting his hand in front of his face as I return to the centre of the circle on wobbly legs.

“It’s about to get hotter,” Eastern mutters as I trail my finger down the neck of the bottle. I’ve never felt more adored or more lusted after. It’s a powerful feeling, knowing all four of these guys want me as much as I want them. Without hesitation, I spin the bottle for a third time.

It points to Sonny.

“At last!” he exclaims, locking his gaze with mine, a dirty grin on his face.

Without waiting for an invitation, I climb into his lap, not expecting the violence of his kiss. It’s brutal, filled with passion and abandonment that has me gasping. He kisses me to wipe away the two kisses I’ve already received. He kisses me with intent, marking me. Our teeth clash, as his fingers find my hair and pull sharply. My scalp prickles, my body shudders as he reaches between my legs and finds my soaking wet panties.

“You’re so fucking wet,” he growls.

All I can do is groan in response, needing his touch, needing to find release.

“Asia, I can’t fucking take this,” Eastern mutters from behind us, and if weren’t for the obvious heat and heady lust in his voice I would’ve assumed he couldn’t stand me seeing me in someone else’s arms. This time I know it isn’t jealousy he feels but desire. Deep, hot, bone melting desire. I know, because I feel it too.

Sonny doesn’t stop, his finger slides the thin material of my panties aside as he finds the spot I’ve wanted him to touch for months now. His thumb circles my clit with just the right amount of pressure, and I lose it. Tipping back my head, I let out a deep, toe-curling moan.

I don’t care that Ford, Camden and Eastern look on. I don’t care that I’m letting all my inhibitions go. I need release. I need to feel adored. I need to forget the shit we’re in and justfeel.

And boy does Sonny make me feel.

His lips score a trail of heat down my throat as he gently guides me back. Not even a broken arm can prevent him from giving me pleasure as his mouth closes over my lace covered nipple. The cry I let out must do something to Eastern because before I know what’s happening he’s cupping my head and kissing me like a drowning man. He groans into my mouth and I hear Sonny’s chuckle as he allows Eastern to lay me on the floor. Only pulling back a moment so I can get comfortable.