For the rest of the week we play our roles well. For anyone who bothers to look we are still a divided group. A bunch of angry kids forced together because of this new rule. I go through the motions in class, not really paying attention. I can’t even summon up enough energy to draw, let alone study human anatomy. My mind is elsewhere.

Time alone with any of the boys has been non-existent. We’ve kept ourselves apart outside of the time we’re supposed to be in each other’s company and even then we’re playing enemies which is proving more difficult than I’d imagined it would be. Still, it’s better that way, especially since I’m finding it harder and harder to ignore the growing feelings within me and not act on them. It’s too risky.

By the time I head down to the carpark early Saturday morning, I’m coiled up tight. I’m tense, apprehensive,scared. All of that. I’ve no idea what today is going to bring.

Waiting outside for me to arrive are the rest of the gang. The lads are already in the minibus, and Kate is standing beside it with Cal who keeps checking his watch. I’ve made them late.

“Where’s Pink?” I ask.

“Sick. She’s been throwing up all night. The girl can’t even get out of bed,” Kate explains.

“Fuck. Maybe we should put this off?”

Cal shakes his head. “We can’t. Things are in place. We need to go today.”


“No buts, Asia. We’ve got to do this.”

“I don’t like leaving her alone. Not with that arsehole Monk prowling.”

“It’s okay,” Kate reassures me. “It’s only one night. You’ll be back tomorrow afternoon, and Frank and Buddy are here. That little prick won’t do anything whilst they’re watching him.”

“You’re not coming?”

“Pink needs a friend and you need to spend time with those boys. We both know Queenie needs to be worshipped and I sure don’t want to be the spare part getting in the way.” Kate grins, winking.

My cheeks flame. “It’s not that kind of weekend…”

“The guys are all ready to go,” she says, pointing to the minibus where they’re patiently waiting. “You need to do this. It’s more important you’re there. You can fill us in when you return. We’ll be okay.”

“Kate…” I start, but she’s already giving me her back and walking towards the annex.

When I climb in the minibus, there’s a free space next to each of the lads. They all watch me silently as I try and decide who to sit next too. In the end, I walk up the aisle and sit right at the back of the bus, choosing them all by not favouring any of them.

* * *

An hourand a half later we arrive at a farmhouse that sits at the end of a long winding lane. It’s a large brick building with a red roof, surrounded by rolling green fields and sheep. In the drive is a black Land Rover Discovery with tinted windows and the latest number plate.

Ford whistles low. “That’s a 60k car right there…”

“Yeah, my foster parents have expensive tastes,” Sonny agrees, not in the least bit impressed by the slick, top of the range car.

Cal pulls up besides the Land Rover. “Let’s get this show on the road,” he says, putting the minibus in park before hopping out and sliding open the side door. We all pile out.

“This should be fun,” Camden grumbles.

Just as I’m about to enter the front door, I feel a warm hand slide into mine. Eastern smiles down at me. “We’ve got this, okay? I’ve got your back. No matter what.”

“No matter what,” I repeat, squeezing his hand tightly.

Inside, the farmhouse is warm and cosy. The smell of coffee and freshly baked bread has my mouth watering and my stomach grumbling in protest. None of us have had breakfast so I’m guessing the lads are just as hungry as I am.

“Ah man, that smells so good. I could eat a horse,” Eastern says.

“Or a sheep… there seem to be plenty of them out in the fields.”