“It doesn’t have to make any sense. What you feel often doesn’t,” Kate muses.

“When we got back to my room, he just held me like I was his…lifeline.”

“Knowing everything we do now, I get it. You see beyond what he presents to the world; the hard-nosed gang leader…” Kate says, her voice trailing off as she loses her train of thought. She closes her eyes and for a minute I think she’s fallen asleep. A beat later she bursts out laughing.

“What’s so funny?” I grin.

“Everything…” More belly deep laughter follows. It’s the kind of laughter that treads the line between happiness and hysteria. One minute happy, the next sobbing. I think we’re all feeling the stress of the last few weeks.

“This shit is good,” Pink chimes in, finishing the last of the joint.

After we’ve shared another joint, I get a bad case of the munchies. “We should go eat,” I say, looking at my watch. “Dinner starts in half an hour. You guys should go first. I know we’re supposed to be together given this new rule of Mr Carmichael’s, but I don’t want Monk to get suspicious. It’s better that he thinks we hate each other still. I’ll catch up in a few.”

“You’ve got a point. We’ll head there now. See you in a bit?” Pink says, hauling Kate onto her feet.

“Yep,” I respond, stifling another giggle that bursts from my lips.

I wait another ten minutes, then get up on unsteady legs. My body feels heavy, languid. But my heart is lighter than it has been in weeks. By the time the weekend rolls around that lightness evaporates and the storm settles inside once more.