“That wasyourchoice, Asia. I offered you a spot in my crew, you didn’t take it.”

I bark out an almost hysterical laugh. “Thank fuck I didn’t if those arseholes are anything to go by.”

“I shall say it one more time, I had nothing to do with Monk’s games. I had no idea what he was planning.”

“I don’t give a shit if you did or you didn’t. He’s part ofyourcrew. You’re hisleaderand therefore you’re responsible for his actions. Now, I want you out of my room. If I find you in here again, I won’t be so accommodating.”

This time it’s Camden’s turn to laugh. He laughs so hard that his perfect white teeth flash in the semi-darkness. “I suppose you’ll try to hit me again?” he asks, scoffing as he takes another step closer until we are almost toe to toe.

My whole body trembles, but it isn’t with fear. Rage, absolutely. Fear, definitely not. I don’t know what it is that I feel between us. I’m both livid with anger and consumed with something else… something I donotwant to try and understand. Jesus, this isnothow I imagined my evening going. Monk has well and truly fucked with my head and Camden is the cherry on top. I fuckinghatecherries.

“Yeah, and next time you won’t be able to stop me. I’ll rule your arse,” I say brazenly, way past giving a shit.

Camden shakes his head, grinning like we’ve just shared a private joke. “There won’tbea next time, Asia. You don’t ever strike the boss unless you intend to win the fight and take the leadership. I don’t lose,ever.” His topaz eyes darken with warning.

“Number one,” I say sarcastically, throwing his words back at him, “I’m not in your crew, and number two, you’re notmyboss, so I can do what the fuck I want whenever I want to. If you want a challenge, go fight Ford. I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to serve you your arse.”

His smile drops instantly. “Ford’s here?” he snaps.

“He’s here,” I confirm, loving the look of shock that’s quickly covered by a slow easy smile. “Scared he's going to make a fool of you again?”

“Careful, Asia, you’re pushing it.”

“I wasn’t, but now I am,” I snap, surging forward suddenly, shoving the flat of my hands as hard as I can against his chest. It’s like slamming into a brick wall. He grabs my wrists, squeezing tightly. My skin tingles.

“Don’t,” he bites out, glaring at me.

We look at each other. My breath quickens.

One beat.




I don’t move, he doesn’t either. Then his head dips down, his beautiful eyes boring into mine. For a fraction of a second I think he’s going to kiss me and my stomach clenches with… what? I’m not sure. Hate,lust? Jesus.

Then just as quickly, he drops my wrists, nudges me out of the way with his shoulder and reaches for my sketchpad. He flicks through the pages, finds what he’s looking for and rips the page out of the book. “I’m taking it,” he states, daring me to object.

My mouth pops open, then shuts again. “Have it. It’s a shit likeness anyway,” I retort.

“See you around,” he grinds out.

“Not if I see you first.”

Then he strides to my bedroom door, yanks the chair out of the way, unlocks it and flings the door open with a crash. After a beat I rush to the door and watch Camden as he walks away. Monk is waiting for him at the other end of the corridor. He notices me and smirks. I give him the finger.

“Yo, Cam! Good to see you, bro. See you’ve been catching up with the residentskank,” Monk says, barking out a laugh. Camden reaches him and, without saying a word, punches him twice in the face in quick succession. I suck in a surprised breath at the sudden unpredictable violence. Monk falls to the floor, knocked out cold.

“Her name’sAsia, prick,” he grinds out, and as if he knew I’d been watching him all along, Camden turns on his feet and looks at me. He nods once, a clipped look in his expression. Then he steps over Monk, unlocks his door and enters his room.

An immediate thought come to mind; I lied when I said the sketch I drew of Camden wasn’t a good likeness. I think it captured him perfectly.