I can’t help but smirk, which only seems to pissDimplesoff even more.

“Pretty sure I’d let her,” the boy bites back before giving me a smile that absolutely shows me that he would, and that he’d enjoy it. “Name’s Sonny,” he says as an afterthought, before being frogmarched into the courtroom on the other side of the hall.

The moment the door slams shut, the world filters back in and I notice that everyone seems to be staring, making a judgement about the boy who was just dragged into the courtroom and the girl with a scowl on her face.

“Should learn some manners. This is a court of law and not some playground for a bunch of delinquents,” some snotty-nosed woman says as she walks past me.

“Whatever,” I mutter, leaning against the wall, all of the wind knocked out of me suddenly.

What the hell do any of these arseholes know anyway? Apart from that dude Sonny, who’s clearly looking for a distraction from his shit day, I’m the dregs of society. I’m a delinquent just like the woman said, and this delinquent is about to join the notorious Oceanside Academy, otherwise known on the streets as theAcademy of Misfits.

Fuck my life.