I just give him a scathing look. “I don’tactuallygive a shit.”

“Fair enough,” he responds, not in the least bit bothered by my rudeness. In fact, given the shit eating grin that seems to be permanently plastered on his face, I think he kind of likes my attitude. Well, there’s more of that where it came from.

“So, you’ve probably worked it out by now, but all the first years have their rooms on this floor, second year are on the floor above and the third years get the top floor. In the past they had gatherings up on the roof away from prying eyes,” he explains, still trying to make conversation even though I’ve made it clear I’m not interested in talking with him. Still, gatherings on the roof? Sounds interesting.

“How? Doesn’t everyone have to be in bed by ten?” I laugh, rolling my eyes at that. I’ve had curfews before and never once stuck to them. So, unless they’re going to lock me in my bedroom, I’m going to do whatever the hell I want, so long as I don’t get caught.

Sonny laughs, his blue eyes sparkling with mirth. “They check once. Then pretty much leave us to our own devices. This isnotjuvie and therefore they can’tenforcea curfew. We just get credits deducted if we’re caught out of our rooms after ten pm.”


“Yep, gain them for good behaviour, doing well in class, being teacher’s pet, that kind of thing. Lose them for bad behaviour. If you get enough credits, you can buy time out of this place. Day trip on the weekend into Hastings, that kind of thing. Catch my drift?”

“Yeah, I get it,” I sigh. Looks like I’m going to be stuck in this hellhole until the term break.

“Any other questions? I’m like a walking encyclopaedia when it comes to Oceanside and all the rules. Hazard of living with the douchebags who fund the place.”

“You live with the people who own this place?” I ask, my mouth agape.

“Yep, it’s both a curse and a…. No, not a blessing, actually,” he says grimacing. “So, anything else you’d like to know?”

“I do have one question actually,” I respond, stopping at the door of my room. “You lay Bram out with a punch and a guy like that doesn’t retaliate, what gives?”

Sonny leans against the wall, crossing one foot over the other. He’s wearing drainpipe black denim jeans with a loose grey t-shirt and scuffed up leather boots. He’s put together in a way that implies he doesn’t really care about what he wears or his appearance, but it's too contrived. Sonny most definitely cares about what he looks like. The groomed hair, neat brows and bright white teeth tell me as much.

“Nothing gets past you, does it?” he grins appreciatively, checking me out as much as I’m doing the same to him. I’m not sure if he’s taking the piss or not, but either way I can feel heat creeping up my neck at his steady perusal. I will myself not to blush. I’m not used to being looked at in this way. Eastern might have started a new trend recently, but I’m not happy about anyone else stepping into his footsteps and taking the baton at making me feel uncomfortable in my own skin. Most of my life I’ve been left alone by the lads on my estate, partly because I’m so unapproachable, but also because Eastern has been by my side every second of every day. Apart from a few heated kisses and a couple of one night stands at parties I’ve attended over the last year, I’ve not had a boyfriend. Never really wanted one.

“Not if I can help it,” I retort, narrowing my eyes at him. “So, what gives?”

Sonny swipes a hand through his hair. “You remember the dickhead I was with at the court?”

“Yep. Armani suit, silver fox, beard, sexy.”

Sonny scowls. “Yeah, him. Well, he’s one of the Freed brothers, rich as fuck with shedloads of properties and holiday resorts all over the world. They’re the dudes that fund this place.”

“I’ve heard of them,” I say. They’re legends in our neck of the woods. Three foster kids from shitty backgrounds made good. “I thought he was your foster parent?”

“He isn’t my foster parent, he’s myguardian. Bryce knew my dad when he was a kid. When my dad died, he stepped in and became my guardian. Like I said, I’ve been living with them for five months now.”


“Yes, Bryce and his family. Don’t ask, it’s a weird as fuck setup.”

“But what’s that got to do with the fact that Bram didn’t get into a full-on brawl with you?”

“Bram knows if he fucks with me, Bryce has the power to get him kicked out of Oceanside faster than you can say…Ah, fuck!”

“Ah, fuck?!” I question, frowning. But when Sonny’s eyes widen at someone or something behind me, I realise he’s no longer talking about Bram.

“There you are, you little sod!” a man says, approaching us both. There’s a light-heartedness to his words, affection even. In two seconds flat, I know he isn’t a teacher here. He’s way too groomed for that. This guy, though dressed down in a pair of dark blue jeans, black jumper and suede loafers, oozes money. As far as I know, teachers aren’t paid enough to wear Gucci and Ralph Lauren.

“You were supposed to meet us out front before we head off. I should’ve known I’d find you chatting up the most beautiful girl in the building,” he says, swiping his blonde hair off his face. When I look a little closer, I can see that some of the blonde is grey, but man is he fit for an oldy. I frown as this complete stranger gives me a sincere smile that isn’t at all judgemental, which is a drastic change to what I usually encounter. Most of the men on my estate vary between lecherous to completely perverted. This guy seems genuine enough.

“Max, give me a break. You guys told me to settle in. Well, that’s what I’m doing,” Sonny huffs.

“And I suppose settling in consists of shimmying down the bloody drainpipe, does it? What were you doing climbing out of a second story window?”

“Youactuallyclimbed down the drainpipe?” I snort, glancing at Sonny who just shrugs like it’s no big deal. The kid’s a bona fide lunatic.

“On second thought, don’t tell me. I really don’t want to know,” he responds with a shake of his head, before turning his attention fully to me and thrusting out his hand to shake.

“Given Sonny isn’t going to introduce us properly, I’m going to. My name is Max Freed and this lad here is one to avoid unless you want your heart stolen,” he says, winking at Sonny who grumbles something along the lines of ‘arsehole’ and ‘cramping his style’ under his breath. My teeth find my lip ring in a gesture I always do when I feel uncomfortable and out of my depth. This guy seems nice, really nice, and I’m not used to it. His hand falls to his side when I don’t take it, a frown creasing his brow.

“I don’t plan on lettinganyonesteal my heart, especially not by somekidwho has really bad taste in women,” I retort, turning my back on them both and stepping inside my room before either can see the stupid arse blush rising up my neck and colouring my cheeks. When I lean against the closed door, I can hear Max cracking up with laughter and Sonny cussing him out with a few choice words. A smile plays around my lips, but I force myself to stop. I will not be drawn in by some bighead lothario who shags anything with a pulse, even if he does have really good hair and a nice smile. Nope. Nope. Nope.