“Idon’twant any of this, Asia,” he sighs, not confirming or denying my point. Regardless, his response surprises me. So much so it takes me a while to respond.
“I can’t forgive you. You could’ve made a dozen different choices but your actions, or lack of them, have shown me who you truly are. Just because you didn’t give Monk the go ahead to chase me down like some rabbit and screw with the one possession I own that’s truly mine, doesn’t mean you’re not responsible for them just as much as he is.”
“It’s complicated, Asia.”
“That’s not fucking good enough!” I shake my head, not willing to listen to any more crap.
“Asia…” he starts, then slams his mouth shut.
“Say it, Camden!”
He grits his jaw. I can see his internal struggle. “He has something on me,” he finally admits.
“Who, Monk?”
Camden closes down, refusing to answer, but there is fear in his eyes that is undeniably real. What’s going on here? What’s he hiding? Or is this just another game he’s playing to fuck with my head?
“How do I know that this isn’t more bullshit? Just another way for you to get inside my head and screw with me, just like you screwed with Eastern.”
“You don’t.”
“No fucking kidding. You were willing to let Monk have me if I lost the fight… You’d sell me out in an instant given half the chance. That much I do know.”
“You’re wrong. I knew you wouldn’t lose.”
“How? How could you possibly know that.”
“Ford. I might dislike the fucker, but he knows how to fight. He taught you well. I also knew you wouldn’t let Monk win. I see a lot of myself in you. You’re a survivor and you protect the ones you love.”
“Don’t make me laugh, you don’t belong to anyone, remember? I’mnothinglike you,” I spit, pushing away from him, disgusted that he’d even think we are similar in any way. I try to break free, but he grabs hold of my upper arms.
“You don’t belong to anyone either, Asia, but that doesn’t stop you from protecting the ones you care about. Trust me, we’re alike,” he insists, holding me as tightly as I’m holding onto him. I hadn’t even noticed that my hands had found his chest once more.
“I belong to Eastern,” I admit, knowing in that moment it’s the truth. “He’s my best friend. Ilovehim. I tried to protect him. You could’ve asked someone else to do that job. You could’ve let him go.”
“I know.” Camden lifts his hands and rests them on my shoulders. “And now I’m giving him back… It’s all I can do.”
“What? What are you saying?” I ask, confused. “That’s not fucking funny, Camden.”
“Carmichael needs to see you. I suggest you go and find out why.” He pulls himself upright, straightening his spine. With one last broken look, he pushes past me. I watch him walk away. After a few steps he pauses, then turns to face me.
“If you’re smart, Asia, you’ll make the right choice.” With that he walks away and disappears around the side of the building leaving me wondering what the hell he meant by that.
Turning on my heel, I run to Mr Carmichael’s office hoping to God this isn’t another one of Camden’s games but knowing in my heart that it’s probably going to be the start of many.