Almost another week passes and on Friday afternoon, I find myself chilling out in the rec room waiting for Kate and Pink. Kiss FM is playing on the radio and my foot is tapping in time to the music. Kate is currently at her one-to-one therapy session with Mr Burnside and Pink has her extra-curricular class in mechanics. The girl is a walking talking contradiction. She loves it though and doesn’t care that she gets her clothes covered in grease and oil on the regular. Not that it matters, the chick has a ridiculous amount of clothes. Likely all stolen. She’s tried to give me a few, and I’ve happily taken a couple of tops and jeans off her hands, but some of her clothes are a bit out there, even for me. I’m kind of jealous that she’s already got to start her extra-curricular class, my physiotherapy lessons aren’t scheduled until after the Christmas break, which is why I have an extra couple of free periods this term.

Putting my feet up on the coffee table in front of me, I rest my head on the back of the sofa and close my eyes. I don’t normally hang out here on my own, but I’m taking the risk today given Kate will be finishing in about half an hour and Monk is still in hospital. I managed to break his nose and shatter his cheekbone, not to mention split his lip and eyebrow. He might’ve got what he deserved but I still don’t like it. The rest of the shitheads who jumped me aren’t nearly as ballsy when he’s not around and definitely not since I beat him in that fight.

Thoughts of Monk are quickly replaced with thoughts of Ford and Sonny, and before long my cheeks are flushing at the memory of their arms wrapped around me. Following that night and my fight with Monk, things have changed dramatically between us. I feelsafearound them both. That’s the only way I can describe it. Safeandattracted to them. It’s the same kind of way I feel about Eastern, that I know they’re going to be my friends for life and maybe, hopefully, something more. I can admit that now.

I can even admit that about Eastern, even though he isn’t here to witness my 360-degree change of heart. Trouble is, that’s three boys I’m attracted to. Four if I include Camden, which I won’t. That’s two too many, right? I don’t even know what to do with that.

That night I’d slept solidly for eight hours in Ford and Sonny’s arms and not once had either tried to take advantage of the situation. True to their word they just held me, and it had felt good.

So, so good.

Like I belonged.

My heart squeezes painfully. I really don’t know how to handle these feelings for them all. For the past few days I’ve been avoiding any real kind of conversation with them under the pretence I’m healing, recovering from the ordeal of the fight, and whilst part of that is true, not all of it is. Pushing thoughts of Ford and Sonny firmly out of my head, I manage to get another five minutes of peace before the door swings open and two of my least favourite people walk into the room.

“Did you fucking see his face?” Red says, laughing loudly as she saunters into the room, Bram following her. I groan. Great, just what I need.

“Yeah, looks like things are going to hot up even more around here. I can’t fucking wait,” Bram responds gleefully. The second they spot me, their smiles turn to sneers.

“Well, well, if it ain’t Ford’s little obsession,” Bram remarks, his gaze darkening with hate. I guess Ford hasn’t managed to change their minds about me then. Not that I give a shit. I don’t need their friendship or their respect.

“Dick,Bitch,” I smile at each of them in greeting.

“You’ve got some nerve,” Red retorts, moving towards me. I stand, ready for her. Bram smirks, waiting for the fallout. I’m guessing he’s going to let his girlfriend do the work this time. Too much of a pussy to do it himself.

“What the fuck is your problem with me?” I don’t know why I ask Red that question, I’m not all that bothered about her response.

“My problem is that you think you’re above us all. You think that your shit don’t stink. You think just because you’ve got Ford and Sonny panting for you like dogs in heat that you’resafe. You’re not,Skank,” she snaps, her eyes blazing with fury… well jealousy, actually.

“Oh, I get it. You’re not the centre of attention anymore, is that it? Sonny got what he wanted the first day I arrived, and Ford’s never given you what you really wanted, has he? Especially now that he chucked you out of his crew. So it looks like you’re stuck with meathead here. Sucks playing second fiddle to someone who’s a far better option.”

“You lying little bitch,” Red snarls. When I glance at Bram, I know he knows what went down between Red and Sonny that day, he’s just too much of a coward to admit to it. His pride would be in tatters if he actually allowed himself to believe me. Instead he chooses to listen to the lies of his two-timing bitch of a girlfriend.

“We all know who the liar is here,” I retort, getting in her face. I feel the familiar storm swirling in my chest at the thought of what she helped Monk and Bram do. I’ll never get those sketches back. “The onlyskankwho’s standing in this room is you!”

Red lifts her fist, pulling back, ready to punch me. But Bram grabs hold of her arm and yanks her backwards. “Not here, not now. It’s too hot. Mr Carmichael is watching us all way too closely at the moment. The guy’s cooking up something, let’s not get thrown in the mix, yeah?”

“I’m going to fucking kill her,” Red screeches in my face.

“I’d like to see you try,” I reply confidently, arching an eyebrow.

She spits in my face, the warmth of her spittle hitting my cheek, and even though I really want to fucking deck her right now, I don’t because behind her Mr Burnside appears. Kate’s standing beside him, her eyes wide. “You okay?” she mouths. I nod my head slightly to let her know I am.

“What appears to be the problem?” Mr Burnside asks, his gaze sliding between us both.

I wipe at the spit with the corner of my top, silently cussing Red. “Nothing, a misunderstanding. That’s all,” I lie.

“Red?” Mr Burnside asks.

“Yes, a misunderstanding,” Red bites out, keeping her gaze fixed firmly on me.

“If you apologise to Asia now, I won’t take it any further. But believe me, if I see behaviour like this between the two of you again, I won’t be so lenient,” Mr Burnside says.

Red grits her teeth, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.

“Say it, Red,” Bram mutters, his eyes narrowing at me.