Saturday night rolls around quickly and there’s a restless kind of energy that distracts every pupil at Oceanside. We’re all on edge, me more so than anyone. Yesterday, Ford showed me how emotion can be a distraction, and whilst Sonny has trained alongside us both, he still tries to persuade me to back out. Even now, as we approach the Tower he’s doing the same. If I could be a lover, not a fighter, I would. But I can’t.

“Monk’s a fucking beast, Asia. He nearly took me out…”

“Are you saying just because I’m a girl that I’m not a good fighter?” I retort, whilst Ford stays silent.

“No, that isn’t what I’m saying. We both know you can fight, Asia. I also know that Monk has a mean fucking punch. If he hits you right, you’re out cold.”

“I know that…”

Sonny stops, pulling up sharp. “Look, I give a shit about you, Asia. Goddamn it. Let me or Ford stand in for you,” he begs.

“No fucking way. I back out now, I’m done.”

“Ford, you need to tell her to stop. This isn’t a game.”

Ford looks between us, the moonlight casting a shadow across his face. “Asia is right. She can’t back down. She must fight and shewillbeat him.” His features are tight, determined.

“Asia…” Sonny starts, exasperated.

“No. I’ve made my decision, Sonny. This fight is happening whether you like it or not. Nothing you can say will change my mind.”

Pink and Kate give me worried glances, but they don’t try to persuade me to change my mind. They know me better than that. For the rest of the walk we all remain quiet with our thoughts.

The Tower is jammed full by the time we arrive at midnight. There are people spilling out of the open metal door and more on the beach surrounding the building. I stop to stare at the horde of kids who’ve all come to watch this fight. Every student from Oceanside is here, alongside the same amount of local kids. News sure travels fast around here.

“Are yousureabout this?” Pink asks, gnawing on her bottom lip with her teeth. “Monk’s gunning for your blood, Asia. The guy’s unhinged.”

She’s right, of course. This may be the single most stupid thing I’ve ever done. I might’ve had fights with boys before, but they never really lasted that long. Someone would always come and break it up; an adult, the police, other kids. Here in the Tower the rules are simple. Fight until someone can’t stand up again.

That’s it.

I need to make these lessons with Ford count because no one is going to step in to stop it.

“Asia, you can back out. No one would think any worse of you,” Kate says, even though she doesn’t believe that one little bit.

“You know that isn’t true. Ineedto do this. I need to show them all I’m not weak. Monk went too far last week, and I’m done with it. So, no Kate. Iwill notback down.”

She nods tightly, glancing at Pink worriedly. Silence descends as we enter the Tower. The crowd parts, forming a ring around us and now Monk, as he strolls into the open space with a glint of unbridled joy on his face. The guy already thinks he’s won.

“Skank,” he says in greeting.

“Prick,” I retort, not to be outdone.

The majority of the crowd hisses and boos, their hate directed at me.

“Enough!” Camden shouts, and they all fall silent as he jumps down from his raised seat overlooking the room and heads into the space alongside me and Monk. Pink and Kate filter into the surrounding crowd, whilst Sonny and Ford remain by my side. Camden eyes the three of us with distaste. Bling is not here; he’s hidden behind the face of the notorious gang leader. Tonight, his expression is dark, bitter and filled with violence of its own.

He’s wearing nothing but a pair of low-slung joggers and the latest huarache trainers. I notice that his chest is covered in a sheen of light sweat as though he’s just arrived from a workout. Low on his stomach is a tattoo of a lion, its mouth open in a roar. My eyes rove over the intricate tattoo that slides beneath the band of his joggers. I wonder how far down it reaches.

“Listen up,” he commands, “A score will be settled tonight. Monk from the Hackney’s Hackers crew versus Asia.” The crowd erupts into excited jeers and catcalls once more. The majority seems to be on Monk’s side, and I can’t help but notice Emerald and Diamond as they glare at me with obvious hate. Camden lets the noise continue for a short while before he places his fingers in his mouth and whistles. The room falls into silence once more.

“Like all fights at the Tower, there are rules.” He holds up his fist, lifting up a finger one by one as he reels them off. “If anyone intervenes, the fight is void. If any weapons are used, the fight is void. This is fist-on-fist only.Got it?” he looks at Monk, who growls but removes the knuckle dusters from his hand. The dirty, rotten, bastard.

“The fight will end when one side submits or is knocked out. Each side will give their terms and once the fight is over and the winner revealed, the terms will be obeyed. These are the rules of The Tower. These are the rules we live by. No exceptions, not even for you, Asia.” Camden adds. I guess his respect for me as a graffiti artist has finally had its day. He looks between Monk and me. There’s no emotion. None. It’s scary, honestly.

“Do you both understand?”