Pink was correct my roomisfull of shit, fortunately not the human or animal kind, just the trash kind. It’s as though they’ve upended a whole dustcart worth of trash in my room. There are empty food packets, half eaten mouldy food, cigarette butts, used tissues, andcondoms. Fuckingusedcondoms. I try not to gag as I kick aside the rubbish then curse like a fishwife as I tread on a rotten piece of meat, maggots wiggling in the mouldy flesh. It fucking stinks. In the corner of the room I notice a black bag, already half filled up with rubbish.

“Don’t go any further, Asia. Let us clear this up,” Pink says, as she follows me into the room, Kate, Sonny and Ford all behind her.

“I’ll do it,” I bite out angrily. It’s not her fault, but I’m so full of hate and rage that I can’t be anything other than short with her. “Is the bathroom just as bad?”

“It’s worse. Don’t go in there, please,” she begs.

Of course, I ignore her, knowing I should heed her warning but unable to help myself. I want to know what they did in there too.

I need to see.

It’s like a sick sense of fascination, you know, just like staring at an accident on the motorway. You know you shouldn’t look, that it’s better if you don’t, yet you can’t seem to stop yourself. When I push open the bathroom door, I nearly pass out at the smell coming from the confined space. It seems to be coming from the toilet, so I do something stupid, I lift the lid. Puke immediately fills my mouth. The toilet is filled with used tampons and sanitary towels. It’s fucking disgusting.

“Bunch of bastard cunts,” I swear, rushing from the bathroom and slamming the door shut.

“I’m so sorry, Asia,” Pink whispers.

“Not more than Monk will be when I finish with him,” I retort.

“They even cut up your clothes,” Kate murmurs, her hands sifting through the torn material on my bed. Literally all I have left to wear are the clothes on my back. It’s not as if I had much to begin with. Now I have even less. Everything else has been cut up and dumped on my bed alongside slithers of paper…

My drawings. My drawings are in tatters, but my heart is not. I harden it, refusing to let them break me.

I refuse.

Monk will rue the day he decided to fuck with me. They all will. Every single one who’s wronged me will pay.

Tonight, that starts with Camden.

Speaking of which… leaning against my doorframe with a blank expression on his face is Camden. Anger bubbles up my chest, but I push it away, smothering it. Can’t say the same for Sonny though.

“You fucking nasty piece of shit,” Sonny snaps, rounding on his feet and striding towards Camden. Once again, I find myself stepping in to prevent a fight.

“Wasn’t me,” he bites out.

“Nothing’s ever you,is it?” Sonny snaps back. “Fucking own your shit, you coward!”

“Asia, I’m waiting,” Camden says turning to face me and completely ignoring Sonny and the evil glares from everyone else in the room. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Ford staring at me, trying to figure out his next move no doubt.

“We have to do this now?” I ask, still shaking, still enraged.

“Yes, right now.”

“Fine,” I snap.

“No!” Ford shouts, narrowing his eyes at Camden. He wants to kill him. Well, now that makes three of us.

I look at him, shaking my head. “I made an agreement, Ford. I’m doing this.”

We look at each other, both of us knowing I can’t back out, understanding the rules of the street. I made an agreement and I must follow it through. Ford grits his jaw, nodding his head. “You hurt Asia, you’redead,” he spits. Camden nods in understanding.

“I won’t.”

Ford snarls at Camden’s response. He doesn’t believe him any more than I do. “Be careful,” he says to me. Sonny swears under his breath whilst Pink and Kate gape at me. They can’t believe I’m going through with it but if I don’t, they’re still at risk. All three of them. Camden will make them choose and I can’t,won’tdo that to them.

“Be careful,” Ford insists.