Ford’s nostrils flare but he steps back, heeding my request, surprising me. He schools his emotions, keeping the rage under wraps. I watch as he shuts it down. And Camden? He leans into my hand, baring his teeth at Ford. “Stay the fuck out of my business,” he snaps.

“I won’t do that, not when it comes to Asia,” Ford retorts, glancing at me.

“Then things will only get worse around here.”

“Bring it on, Camden. I’m not scared of you or your pack of wolves.”

“Just go,” I snap, glaring at Camden.

“Me?” he says, pointing to his chest. “You wantmeto fucking go?”

I scoff, an hysterical laugh pushing free from my lips. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

“What makes Ford the better option?” he asks.

“Hedoesn’t want to hurt me…” I respond instantly. I might be wrong. I might be very, very wrong but I’m going with my instincts here. Besides, Camden is still my enemy, after all. One rage-filled kiss doesn’t change that fact.

He glares at us both. Then shoves past Ford, pushing against his shoulder. “This isn’t fucking over, not by a long shot,” he snaps and I’m not sure whether he’s talking to Ford or to me now. He rests his gaze on me, and I wince at the beauty of his topaz eyes and the bruising memory of his kiss. “Don’t think for one second that Ford won’t hurt you. He’s capable of inflicting more pain than you could ever imagine.”

With that last parting shot Camden stalks off, disappearing into the maze and leaving me with Ford and making me question whether my instincts were right after all.