“What, you never got into a fight?” I ask her, genuinely wanting to know. She’s alluded to issues at her previous school but has never gone into detail. I’ve respected her wishes and never dug for more information, until now.

“Not one I’ve ever won,” she responds, her cheeks flushing.

“Then you’re friends with the right people. I’m totally down for assisting you in that department.”

“Thanks. I’ll think about it.”

“Uh-oh, here comes trouble,” Pink mutters, looking over my shoulder. Sonny’s eyes narrow and he tenses. I twist in my seat. Camden is striding straight towards me.

“A word. Now!” he demands, flashing a dangerous look at Sonny.

“Don’t come in here ordering-” Sonny starts, but I cut him off.

“We’re being watched, remember,” I remind Sonny, nodding towards the canteen staff who are looking more and more concerned by the minute. I bet they’ve seen all sorts of shit go down in here over the years. Any minute now they’ll be calling security and we don’t need those arseholes descending on us.

“What is it, Camden?” I smile sweetly. His gaze darkens.

“You fucked with my girls. You do realise what you’ve started?”

I bark out an incredulous laugh. “WhatI’vestarted? Are you actually mentally impaired?” I hiss under my breath. If we hadn’t got the whole of the dining hall’s attention before, we have now given Camden has grasped my arm and Sonny is on his feet and by my side in less than a second.

“Yourgirlstried to jump Asia in the toilets,” Kate says perfectly calmly from her spot at the table. I see a thread of fear in her eyes, and I hate that. She shouldn’t feel afraid.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” He narrows his eyes at her and out of the corner of my eye I see her kind of fold into herself. Jesus, whoever fucked with her at her previous school managed to do a right number on her. I make a mental note to speak with her about it someday soon.

“Why would she lie?” Pink adds.

“Is this true?” he asks me.

Sonny scoffs. “You’re either a great liar, Camden, or fucking clueless. Do you haveanycontrol over your crew at all?”

“Is. This. True?” he bites out, completely ignoring Sonny and stepping far closer to me than is necessary. I stand my ground, not allowing his sheer size and presence to scare me.

“If I said it was, would you even believe me?”

He looks at me for far longer than is comfortable, as though trying to see the truth inside of me, then steps back and drops my arm.

“I’ll deal with this,” he says, before striding off.

And something about the conviction in his voice leads me to believe that he will, but why is a total mystery. We’re enemies,aren’t we?