“Yeah, as in I really give a shit about what happens to you kind of liking…”

“In a protective friend kind of way?”

“Yes and no. Yes, as in I want us to be friends, and no, as in I want more than just friendship. This is the kind of liking that makes me really,reallywant to kiss you right now.”

“You want to kiss everyone,” I say with a soft laugh.

“But I don’t care about everyone,” he responds just as softly. “And I’m pretty sure Ford’s been wanting to do the same thing since he pinned you beneath him on the field that day,” Sonny adds with a wry grin.

“He told you about that?”

“Fuck no, the guy’s a closed book! I saw it happen. Once I dropped off Pink and Kate at the medical room, I went back outside to look for you and to make sure the HH crew wasn’t giving you shit. I saw what went down.”

“He was trying to prove a point, that’s all.”

“Yeah, and the rest. He got you beneath him and he kept you there.” A dark shadow crosses Sonny’s face and it unsettles me a bit.

“It didn’t mean anything,” I say, not really understanding why I’m trying to reassure him or why I’m lying. It meant something.

“Either way, he has the hots for you. Just like me.”

“Sonny, you’ve taken a few whacks to the head. I’m not sure you know what you’re saying.” I laugh to cover up the strange feeling in my chest.

“I know exactly what I’m saying,” he retorts firmly.

“You’re just desperate. I mean, it’s not as though there’s much choice and I’m pretty sure you’ve worked your way around most of the girls already in such a short amount of time. I’m the last one available, right?”

“Wrong. Ilikeyou. I don’t really know why given you’ve pretty much blasted me, but I do.”

My teeth begin to chatter, but I can’t respond because he’s suddenly reached over and pulled me into his lap. “Sonny!” I exclaim, a small smile pulling up my lips.

“I’m freezing and so are you. Let’s warm each other up,” he says, wrapping his arms around me as he shifts me into a more comfortable position across his lap. My arse slides between his parted legs and my hips can definitely feel how much he likes me. Jesus. I flush warm, suddenly not feeling the cold anymore.

“You’re freezing,” I exclaim, leaning back slightly so I can look at his face. My hand finds itself on his chest just over the eagle’s head and his thumping heart.

“So are you. Makes this a good idea, right?” he questions tentatively, his eyes darkening with lust even though his voice remains neutral and not at all jokey.

“I’m not so sure about that…” I start to say, but when he slowly leans in to kiss me, I don’t push him away or tell him to stop. I let him.

His lips are slightly warmer than his skin, but pretty soon both are heating up as our kiss deepens. He doesn’t try to do anything other than explore my mouth with his. It’s a tentative kiss at first. A kiss that’s more of a flicker than a flame. It’s searching, gentle, and entirely surprising. That gentleness is a shock. I’m used to being kissed quickly as though it’s just a formality to get out of the way before everything else. Not Sonny. I can tell by the way he explores my mouth that he likes to kiss. That it may even be his most favourite pastime. I can deal with this. I can deal with a kiss. Relaxing into his hold I allow myself to enjoy the moment. After a while, as his lips slide over mine and his tongue strokes against my own, I find that I have to press my thighs together to ease the throb between them. And even though I know how it sounds, I wish he’d move his hands away from my arm and my thigh to other places that ache for his touch. But he doesn’t do anything more than bite gently at my lower lip before soothing it with his tongue. Fuck. A little groan escapes me and I’m pretty sure he’s smiling, but I don’t want to pull away to check. I’m enjoying this way too much. If I’m honest, I would never have put him down as a gentleman, but then again, he’s already shown me there’s more to him than what he presents to the world. I like that.

Without removing my lips from his, I angle my body so that more of me is I’m facing him, then reach up and wind my fingers in his hair, cupping his head. I’m more than aware that my tits are now pressing into the firm planes of his chest and that my nipples are hard as marbles, partly due to the cold, but mostly because I’m turned on. This time it’s his turn to groan.

With a last slow sweep of his tongue, Sonny pulls away, flashing me that dimpled grin. “If I’d known how fucking epic a kisser you were, I would’ve laid it on a lot thicker and a lot sooner, Asia.”

“Shut up, you idiot,” I respond, slapping him lightly on the arm before jumping up and helping him to his feet. Knowing that if I don’t move now, this kiss may lead to way more and I’m not in the habit of shagging someone after only knowing them a week. That also might be a lie. I’ve fallen into bed with guys before after only a few hours in their company. I don’t want to do that with Sonny.

He gets up, wincing from the pain but still he smiles, a flop of dark blonde hair falling into his eyes.

“Does this make you mine now?” he asks, the cockiness back. My mouth opens to speak but my response is interrupted by a certain someone who sounds far from happy.

“No, it fucking doesn’t,” a voice behind us says. It’s Ford.

We both turn around, looking back up towards the Tower. Standing watching us both is Ford and beside him, Camden. One looks thunderous, the other entirely amused, except that amusement is a thinly veiled disguise of his true feelings. At least that’s how it seems to me. I’m not sure who’s reaction annoys me the most. The out and out anger at me kissing someone of my own choosing, or hiding that anger behind laughter and cheapening this moment with Sonny.

Screw them.

Actually, perhaps Ishouldscrew Sonny, that would really get their goat.