“I’m gonna have that chat now,” Ford says, squeezing my hip once before letting me go. He walks past Sonny, gripping him briefly on the shoulder before disappearing into the crowd.

“Uh-oh, here comes Mr H.O.T number two,” Pink says, nudging me in the side.

Sonny approaches us with a split eyebrow and a nasty bruise forming on his cheek. He’s holding onto his side as well. He’s pretty fucked up.

“Pink was right, he sure has got it bad,” Kate mutters before Pink pulls her away, leaving the two of us alone once more.

“You didn’t have to do that,” I state. It comes out sounding ungrateful, I don’t mean it to. I’m just not used to people coming to my rescue. This is the second time he’s stuck up for me now and I don’t like it. He has no business taking on my shit like that.

“He’s a prick. He deserved it. Besides, I couldn’t let him speak to you like that. It isn’t right.”

“Is there a toilet here? You need to clean that,” I say, pointing to the cut on his brow and the blood dribbling from the wound, trying my utmost to ignore the intense look he’s giving me.

“No toilets, but there’s a whole ocean outside.”

“Come on then,” I say, taking his hand in mine and pulling him through the crowd. “Let me clean you up.”