Inside the Tower there’s a makeshift DJ booth set up in one corner, the equipment powered by a generator. Strings of fairy lights are hanging from several beams that criss-cross above our heads, as well as some random flashing neon lights giving off a cool club vibe. I’m actually mildly impressed.

To the left of me and built into the wall is a wooden staircase that curves upwards towards the roof. If I look up I can see all the way up, any other floors this building might’ve had are long gone. On one side of the circular room is a portion of flooring that has fallen away with another couple of beams of wood crossing it that looks like a makeshift bridge of sorts. Below there’s a ten-foot drop. Not high enough to kill, but high enough to injure should someone happen to fall into it awkwardly. Fortunately, that part of the building has been sectioned off with an iron railing, preventing drunk teenagers from tumbling into the hole and doing severe damage to themselves. I make a mental note not to get too close to that particular area, especially since Monk is here.

Speaking of which… I search the crowd. It doesn’t take me long to spot him. He’s in the corner of the room, sporting a dark purple bruise on his face. I can’t help but smile. Good. I hope it fucking hurts.

“You want me to get you a drink?” Sonny shouts over the music, successfully drawing my attention away from Monk and the six guys he’s surrounded by, the same guys who hounded me earlier.Fucktards.

“They actually have alcohol here? How?” I shout back.

Sonny takes my elbow and manoeuvres me through the crowd. I spot Pink and Kate dancing and wave. They wave back, both of them have a bottle of beer in hand. Even Kate’s grinning. Well, at least they’re enjoying themselves.

“This place was originally set up by previous students of Oceanside a few years back when the academy first opened. It’s become the place to be with the local kids in these parts. Not everyone here is from the Academy,” Sonny explains.

“And you know this how?” I’m always so amazed at his knowledge. He’s only been here a couple of days more than me, so how the hell does he know all this stuff?

“I keep my ear to the ground. I ask questions. It’s just the way I am.”

“A nosy bastard, you mean?”

Sonny barks out a laugh. “Pretty much,” he agrees with a shrug.

We head over to a shady looking teenager who’s standing next to a metal tub, not unlike one of those old tin baths people used to wash in years ago. In it are bottles and cans of beer. The cheap stuff granted, but alcohol, nonetheless. He hands over two cans to us without preamble. Sonny snaps back the tab and takes a deep glug. I do the same, trying not to wince at the taste. Disgusting.

“This stuff is like drinking lighter fluid,” he says, reading my mind.

“You can say that again,” I agree, but take another mouthful anyway.

“Want to dance?” he asks me after a beat.

Do I? Do I want to dance with Sonny? I scan the crowd. In one corner I can see Camden still chatting to that girl he was walking with earlier. I think her name is Diamond, but I can’t be certain. She’s in the HH crew and no doubt one of hisgirls. She looks pretty happy with all the attention, and is pressed flush against him, trailing her fingers down his arm. Any closer to him and she’ll be riding his cock for everyone to see. He’s giving her an encouraging smile. Then, as though he knows he’s being watched, he flicks his gaze to me, grins salaciously before drawing the girl towards him and kissing her roughly. My face heats with…annoyance. Yes that.Definitelythat.

It reminds me of the time I first met him when he had his finger buried inside Jade and was practically fucking her in front of everyone at Sasha’s party. I’m beginning to think this guy’s an exhibitionist. He gets off on it, I swear.Urgh.

“Well,” Sonny prompts.

Dragging my gaze away from Camden and back to Sonny, I shrug noncommittally.

Sonny cocks his head to the side, frowning. “Is that a yes or a no, Asia?”

“It’s a fine, I’ll dance,” I retort, my gaze flicking back to Camden who’s now shoved the girl up against the wall and is crowding her with his body. Seems like that’s his signature move.

“Come on then,” Sonny says, placing his palm on my lower back, and pushing me gently into the growing crowd of kids. I snatch my gaze away from Camden and look about me. Sonny was right, there are faces here that I don’t recognise at all and most of them are paired up dancing in couples, grinding against one another in time to the music.

Sonny steers me to a spot a little distance away from Kate and Pink, then starts moving to the music. He doesn’t instantly grab me and use this as an opportunity to get into my pants, and honestly, I’m surprised to see that he can actually dance. He kind of loses himself to the beat of the music, closing his eyes, bending his knees and swishing his hips in a seductive way that has me alternating between chewing on my lip ring and swigging back more mouthfuls of the foul tasting beer so that I have a distraction. There’s no way that I want him to have any idea that I think he looks hot right now. No fucking way. His head will expand to gigantic proportions and he’ll never let me forget it.

We dance for a long time, and as the minutes pass the tenseness I’ve been holding evaporates. I let the music and the shitty booze relax me. I’m still furious over what Monk and his cronies tried to do, but I’m not fearful anymore. Nope, my head begins to fill with thoughts of revenge.

Monk has it coming. That much I do know.

“You sure can move, Asia,” Sonny murmurs into my ear as he steps up behind me seamlessly. I can feel the heat of his body warming my already hot back. A bead of sweat rolls down between my shoulder blades as he makes his move. I have a second to decide whether I want to put some distance between us or let him get close. For whatever reason, I choose the latter.Fuck it. When Sonny rests his hands on my hips, I don’t step away. When his palm slides across my waist, I let him inch his fingers beneath my t-shirt. They feel warm and strong and despite my feelings towards him, towards anyone who tries to get close to me, I let him do just that.

“Well, you know what they say about being able to dance well…” I retort with a smirk. Flirting isn’t usually my thing and flirting with Sonny really shouldn’t be something I’m entertaining. But I do it anyway. I let my inhibitions go and lean back into Sonny, allowing him to hold me tightly against his body. It’s not the worst thing I’ve ever done. In fact, it feels kind of… nice.

I swig back the last mouthful of beer before Sonny grabs the can and chucks it towards the pit. It disappears over the side, hurtling into the darkness just as the beat picks up speed into something more primal. I feel the change in Sonny, the spark of something coming alight between us. For the longest time we just dance, my back to his front. It’s slow, sensual, bordering on illegal. He’s hard, I’m hot and achy. I’ve no clear idea what’s going on. Perhaps this is my way of dealing with the ordeal earlier. Like some weird kind of fight or flight response. I survived. I need to feel that I survived, so I’m getting horny with a guy I promised myself I wouldn’t even give the light of day, let alone close access like this.

“Fuck, Asia,” he whispers.