“This is going to be so much fun,” he continues with a sinister laugh. His bastard crew laugh with him. Thinking quickly, I sink to my hands and knees. They’ll expect me to be creeping along the wall, but they won’t expect me to slide along the floor, so that’s what I do. Pressing myself as low as humanly possible to the ground, I move as quickly and as quietly as I can. Then I almost have a heart attack when the body heat of one of Monk’s crew seeps into my skin because he’s standing so close to me. After a moment, the soft tread of his feet moves away.
“This is stupid, just turn the torch on and grab her,” someone whines. I think it’s the guy who tripped a second ago, but I can’t be sure. That comment is followed quickly by a loud thud and a moan.
“Shut the fuck up. This ismygame, and this is how we’re going to play it,” Monk growls before switching the torch on again and lighting up his ugly-as-fuck face.
“Come on, Asia, just give yourself up and let’s have thatdate,” he sneers, breaking into laughter that makes my skin crawl before flicking off the flashlight once more. I’m not afraid of the dark, never have been, but this is something altogether different…
I’m being hunted.
That’s what this feels like. But I’m no easy prey even though Iamscared. Instead of letting my fear overwhelm me, I do what I always do, I use it to fuel my rage.
Coaxing the storm within I let it get more violent. That violence drowns out the fear. It bubbles and boils inside my chest, giving me the strength to do what I must to survive, and whilst a large part of me wants to reveal my position so I can release the rage, I must be smart. Ford was right, rageisn’tenough. I’ll get my revenge on Monk, but not today. Today, I run.
I keep moving, shimmying along the floor as quickly as possible, the sounds of my attempts to escape drowned out by the heavy footfall of Monk and his crew pounding up and down the corridor. After another minute of slowly shuffling along, I can feel a slight breeze and know that I can’t be far from the door leading into the stairwell. It’s always cooler in that part of the building.
“She’s not fucking here, Monk,” an exasperated voice says. “Must’ve gone into one of the rooms.”
“They’re all locked, I checked before,” he snaps back.
“Look, man. The film finishes at eleven in the rec room, they’ll be back soon,” another voice adds.
“We’ve got time,” Monk retorts.
“You think? Trying to get an extra hour out of Bobby was fucking hard enough. Took all my stash to get him to keep quiet about it. The fat bastard is a greedy cunt,” one of the guys says.
Sothat’swhere everyone is. In the rec room watching a fucking movie whilst these bastards play out a scene all of their own. Figures.
“She’shere, the skank couldn’t have gone far. Though I have to admit, she’s pretty fucking good at hide and seek. Just as well since we enjoy the hunt, ain’t that right, boys?”
Laughter and jeering erupts right before the corridor begins to echo with howling and barking.
Jesus Christ.What the hell are they going to do to me? More to the point,why? I know I was a mouthy bitch to Camden at that party, but does that really warrant this kind of fucked up mind game? Maybe I underestimated him. Or perhaps Monk has gone lone wolf, and this is all on him.
Either way, I need to get back to my room and fast.
Listening intently, I figure I’ve only got one of Monk’s crew between me and the door to the staircase. Ithinkthe rest are behind me. Making a decision, I jump up to my feet and make a run for it.
Worst. Decision. Ever.
I slam headfirst into a hard chest and we both go down with a loud, bone-cracking thud. It takes me a second to realise that I’m not the one howling in pain.
“BITCH!” the guy shouts, as I waste no time jumping to my feet and stomping on him for good measure. The air whips around us as he tries to make a grab for me. Whether it’s sheer good luck or plain old stupidity on his part, I manage to dodge him. By now the flashlight is switched back on. Monk and the rest of his gang can see me in full technicolour, or at least in black given I’m dressed head to toe in it.
“Get her!” Monk shouts and I run for my fucking life.
Slamming into the door, I leap into the stairwell, hitting the steps two at a time just as the lights flick back on, small mercies and all that. Funny how, when adrenaline takes over, fear evaporates. My thoughts are filled with one word and one word only.
And that’s what I do. Despite the rage and the anger, I run.
Pretty soon I’m on the first floor pelting it towards my bedroom. All those years spent running from the police has given me an edge, and I make a mental note not to bitch anymore about P.E. If Mr Langdon wants to start making me run five kilometres a day, I’m going to do it. Fuck, I’ll even run ten if it means I can stay ahead of this bunch of bastards. Reaching my door, I whip out my key, slide it in the lock and open the door in one go. Fuck only knows how I manage to do that with my hands shaking so much, but I do. Maybe there’s someone up there looking out for me. Perhaps it’s my mum finally being a mother and protecting me from the afterlife… then again, perhaps not.
By the time Monk and his crew have caught up, I’ve locked my door and shoved my chair under the handle for good measure. The oxygen that kept me moving, suddenly leaves my lungs and I slump to the floor, angry tears welling in my eyes.
I never fucking run, but this time I did, and Ihatemyself for it.
“Open up, bitch!” Monk roars from the other side of the door, his fists pounding against the wood. It shakes in the frame, but it doesn’t open.
“FUCK YOU!” I scream, unable to hold back the rage a second longer. It takes every ounce of willpower not to open the door and launch myself at the bastard. But I have to be smart, and that wouldn’t be smart at all.
“I see you’ve met Monk,” a voice says from the doorway of my bathroom.
Stiffening, I swivel my head, not truly believing what I’ve heard. Hoping and praying that I’m hallucinating.
I’m not.
Leaning against the doorframe, with my sketchbook in hand, is Camden.