Eastern points to a spot opposite us where Sasha is sitting on the lap of some kid who looks like a poorer version of Eastern. The chick’s got it bad if she’s hooking up with lookalikes now. Her arms are draped around the boy’s neck, her long brown hair tumbling over them both as she leans in for a kiss, but not before she pointedly looks in Eastern’s direction.

“See she’s moved on,” I remark, lifting my bottle of beer in her direction. She responds with a dirty look. Whatever.

Eastern grins. “Thank fuck for that. I was getting tired of her begging text messages. We hooked up oncemonthsago and suddenly she thinks we’re a couple. The whole fucking world knows the only girl I have eyes for is you…”

I jerk my head around waiting for the familiar laugh to tell me he’s joking, but it doesn’t come. Instead he just looks at me, daring me to say something. For the first time in my life, the words won’t come, and I’m left speechless. I’m so shocked that I don’t even notice another girl come pelting towards us both before it’s too late. My drink flies out of my hand and crashes to the concrete, beer splashing against my skin as she throws herself into Eastern’s arms.

“Eastern!!” she screeches. The blonde bombshell whirlwind that the voice belongs to lands in his lap, practically knocking him into the flowerbed behind us as she plants a kiss on his cheek.

“What the fuck?!” I exclaim, ready to grab her by her fake extensions and yank her to the floor. Bitch.

“Oh, shit. Sorry!” the girl singsongs, smiling widely, her cute button nose crinkling up as she takes a good look at me. It’s not a mean look, just a curious one. Either way I hate her already, especially since she’s sitting in my best friend’s lap and he’s looking as guilty as fuck. Urgh, this is typical Eastern. Why in the ever-loving fuck did I kiss him and mess up my feelings towards him? Before we smacked our lips together this kind of thing wouldn’t have bothered me. Now, now it does, and it pisses me off.

“And who the hell areyou?” I growl, narrowing my eyes at the supermodel whilst absentmindedly wiping at the spilt beer on my bare leg. Great, now I smell like the grotty pub on the corner of our estate.

“I’m Opal, and you must be Eastern’s bestie, Asia, right?” she retorts, thrusting her hand out for me to shake. The fact she knows who I am, but I don’t know who she is pisses me off even more. Eastern tells me everything, or at least he did. Looks like I don’t know him as much as I thought. Raising an eyebrow, I ignore the pretty blonde with her pert tits and long legs and glare at Eastern instead.

“Only have eyes for me, eh?!” I snort, rolling my eyes before standing and striding away from them both.

“Asia, wait. I can explain,” he retorts, swearing under his breath at the same time he stands lifting the girl up and placing her on her feet.

“Don’t fucking bother.” I glare at him over my shoulder. She’sstillhanging onto him like a limpet and he’s not even bothering to unravel her arms from around his waist. That tells me all I need to know. He’s such a goddamn lothario.

“Alicia, wait!”

But I continue to walk away, lifting my hand up and giving him the finger as I do. He doesn’t follow me, knowing me better than that. In this frame of mind, I’m likely to lash out before thinking and even though he’s hurt me, I don’t want to hurt him like that. I draw the line at knocking out my best friend.

Inside the kitchen, the same arseholes who were snorting coke are now buzzing, talking ten to the dozen. The guy who was acting like a kingpin earlier, sidles up to me as I pour myself a generous measure of rum with a splash of cola.

“What?!” I snap, chugging back half the glass before slamming it back on the counter.

“You looking to hook up, pretty lady?” he asks me, his gaze fixed firmly on my chest and not on my face.

“Do I look like I’m wanting to hook up?” I growl, my anger bubbling over.

He has the audacity to lift his hand to my face and press his finger against my lip ring. It reminds me of Eastern, and that reminds me of the leggy bitch who he’s talking with right now in the back garden.I see red.

Pulling my fist back I punch the dickhead straight on the nose. He might be bigger than me, and probably a whole lot stronger, but he’s also high and wasn’t expecting me to hit him. I watch him sprawl backwards, then land another blow in his gut for good measure. He goes down with a thud, knocked out cold. His gaggle of girls scream and fawn over him.

“Next time ask before you fucking touch,” I snarl, grabbing my drink and downing the rest before striding from the room and walking headfirst into a hard chest. “Fuck sake!” I spit, pushing against the wall of muscle in my way. The wall of muscle doesn’t move.

Looking up, I find myself toe to toe with the guy I saw making out with the faceless girl in the hallway not so long ago. Even though I didn’t see his face, I know it’s him from the clothes he’s wearing and the cockiness that oozes from him. He smirks at me, his blue eyes startling bright; two topaz gems contrasting beautifully with his dark skin. Despite myself, I’m a little floored by them, and the boy they belong too. He’s hot and he knows it. Dangerous too, that much I sense beneath my anger and drunkenness.

“Next timeyou decide to knock one of my boys out, ask my permission first, yeah?” he states, folding his arms across his chest as I take a step back.

“He’s one ofyour boys?” I smirk, ignoring my sixth sense and the sudden warning bells that tell me not to mess with this guy. Trouble is I’m too damn angry at Eastern and that prick who just tried to chat me up to pay any attention. Plus, I’m high, and drunk.Stupid.

“That’s right, and I’m a little possessive about the things that belong to me.”

“Is she one of your possessions too?” I ask, glaring at the girl he was practically fucking in the hallway a few minutes earlier. She’s standing beside him now blocking the gap in the doorway I was just about to dodge through. She’s as blonde as the bimbo who just threw herself into Eastern’s arms a minute ago. In fact, she looks eerily like her. Twin maybe? She smiles at me, but it’s not a friendly smile in the slightest. She’s looking at me like I’m some kind of threat. As if! I wouldn’t touch this bloke with a ten-foot pole.

“Everything alright, Camden?” she purrs, her voice practically dripping with fuck-me vibes. She can’t be much older than I am, but her all-knowing sexual vibe has me feeling inferior all of a sudden.

“Don’t worry,love. I’ve no interest in yourman,” I say, prickles of anger running across my skin. My eyes rove over Camden as he takes his measure of me, and whilst he’s good looking with incredible eyes, he also has an intensity that screams danger. Something about his confidence and calmness has my heart stuttering with warning. But tonight, it would seem I’m looking for trouble, so rather than backing down I stand my ground and fold my arms across my chest readying myself for a fight. If this bimbo says one word out of turn, I’m not going to be able to stop myself from launching at her. Fuck the consequences. Let’s see if Eastern will be my knight in shining armour then?

“I’m notherman. I don’t belong to anyone,” the guy says, smarting. Next to him the girl flinches, hurt flashing across her face.

“Well, that makes two of us. So why don’t you tell yourboythat too,” I snarl, pointing over my shoulder at the kid still laid out cold on the floor. “And any others who think they can touch me without permission,” I add, glaring at him.

“I’ll think about it,” he retorts, moving aside as I shove past him and his bit of fluff and head for the front door. “I’m surprised you’re running,” I hear Camden say, a challenge in his voice. “Seems like you’re the kind of chick who does what the fuck she wants and damn the consequences.”

I pull up sharp at his words. For whatever reason this guy is laying down the gauntlet. Normally, I wouldn’t bite, but tonight I’m way past reckless.

“Actually, I came to party. So, I’m going to party,” I growl, twisting on my feet and ignoring the sudden wave of giddiness from smoking too much weed and drinking too much alcohol. Fuck Eastern, fuck the leggy blonde, fuck that dickwad in the kitchen and the punk who’s staring at me now thinking he’s some tough nut gang leader. Fuck the judge sending me to Oceanside, but most of all; fuck my life.

I’m here to party, so I’m going to party.