Her cheeks are stained with tears and her face though as beautiful as ever is brimming with sadness. In her eyes, the hurt is profound, what happened tonight reminds her all too well of whatever happened in the past. Which only makes me feel better about punching that bastard. Fuck. I have to restrain myself, have to hold back from reacting in anger right at this moment.

She needs you more…

“You’re going to be okay,” I promise her. I don’t care what I have to do to make it happen, I just know I will. “Let’s get you inside.”

She gives me the slightest nod but doesn’t say a word. We climb out of the car together, and I hand Vance my keys. Keeping my arm wrapped around her, holding her tightly into my side, we walk to the door. Vance makes it up the walkway faster than us and unlocks the door with my keys. Ava pushes the door open and keeps it open for us all to walk in. I give her a smile of thanks which she returns.

Once inside, Vance says, “I’m gonna take Ava home. Are you good here? You need anything?” His eyes bore into mine.

“We’re good, thanks for the ride,” I tell them, answering for both of us. Ava gives Emerson a hug, but since I’m not willing to let go of her, it turns into a group hug.

“If you need anything, give me a call,” Ava tells Emerson and then pulls away and suddenly I’m reminded that the best choice I ever made was not sleeping with Ava, not that she ever had eyes for me anyway. Becoming her friend because in getting her as friend Emerson got her too. Watching Vance and Ava leave, I pull the door shut behind them, leaving Emerson and me alone in the living room.

“Do you want to eat something… or watch a movie?” I ask, unsure of where to go from here. “The night is still young, and I feel like an asshole for taking you to that party.” I let out a frustrated sigh. Never again. I’m not putting her through that kind of shit again.

“I just want to go to bed,” she whispers into my shirt as her small arms slither around my torso, pulling me closer. Impossibly close, as if she can’t get close enough. “Can I sleep with you?”

Her question catches me off guard. For some reason, I had thought that this incident would push her away from me. That we would have to start all over again. I didn’t expect her to still find comfort in my touch, to need me. She saw a side of me that I never wanted her to see tonight. I have no idea how she can handle being so close to me right now. Then again, the last thing I want is to lose her. Call me selfish, but even after all I did, I’m glad she wants me.

“Of course, always…” If it were up to me, she would sleep in my arms every night.

“I’ll change in my room, but then I’ll come to yours,” she says, her voice stronger now. Dumbfounded I watch her walk down the hall and into her room. It takes me a few more seconds before I can make my own feet move. She’s still struggling, grappling with her anxiety, her fears, but it’s clear she’s grown from it. If this happened on the first night we met, I can guarantee she would be rocking back and forth in the corner.

Entering my bedroom, I start to strip out of my clothing, pulling my shirt off first. I flick the button on my jeans and grab a pair of sleep pants and shirt from the dresser.

My gaze catches on my hands… fuck. I should wash them. Exiting the bedroom, I head for the bathroom but nearly run into Emerson in the process.

“Sorry,” she mumbled, but her eyes aren’t cast to the floor. No, they’re on me, moving from my open jeans and up and over each of the tight, chiseled from stone muscles that make up my six-pack. She’s checking me out, and I can’t help but smile. Slowly she forces her gaze up to my bare chest before coming to rest on my face. Her pink tongue darts out, wetting her bottom lip.

Fuck me, I can’t stop the indecent thoughts from coming. They race through my mind like it’s a Nascar track.

I want her mouth on me, wrapped around my cock. I want her under me, begging, pleading for me to take her. I want to see her pretty cheeks flush pink with warmth as I bring her to the edge again and again. I feel my dick strain inside my jeans, pushing against the zipper.

Shit. I need to stop. “I-I was about to put on some sweatpants and a shirt.” Just then I realize that she isn’t wearing her typical pajamas bottoms.