“Butterfly…” hestarts.

Either side of me, Max and Bryce shiftcloser.

“Sweetheart,” Bryce murmurs, nuzzling his face against myneck.

“Icy,” Max says, gentling his hand over myarm.

Hudson glances at his brothers then looks back at me, a hopeful smile pulling up his lips. “Louisa, you are ours. You are our heart, our saviour, our fucking queen. You will never want for anything, will never feel alone and you will never be hurt again. Will you be ours forever? Will you be ourwife?”

My heart leaps in my chest.Did I hear right?“How, what? It isn’t legal. I can’t marry you all,” I say, confused even though my damn heart is near fit toburst.

Bryce chuckles. “No, not in the eyes of the law. But in our house, under our roof and in our arms, we want you to be our wife. Will you?” heasks.

“You don’t have to answer right away, Icy. You can think about it,” Max says as his fingers stroke along my barethigh.

Behind us golds, oranges and pinks brighten the horizon, blanketing us in its dappled light. I can honestly say that in all my life I have never felt such happiness or such belonging as I do now. There really is only one answer I cangive.

“Yes,” Iwhisper.

Then together we seal our bond just as the sun rises on the dawn of ourlove.