“Do you like this, sweetheart,” Bryce murmurs as his hands slide up my shin then curl under my calf muscles, kneading themgently.

“Yes,” I say, barely able to loosen the word from my mouth as Max’s own fingers move over my scalp, neck and shoulders, easing out the whorls of knotted muscle and worry. I feel myself relaxing further into their hold, like butter melting in the warm heat of a kitchen. I am both liquid heat and floating on a cloud of bliss, ready to fall into sleep, ready to fuck these men until none of us can stand. Drugged. Wired. I amboth.

I open my heavy-lidded eyes when I feel something incredibly soft trail up my leg. I am more than a little surprised to find Bryce holding the tip of a white feather against myskin.

“Where did you…?” The question is lost on my lips as he strokes the feather over the thin lace of my knickers. I suck in a breath at the torture of such a light touch. I want him to do it again and yet I don’t think I can standit.

“Magic,” he jokes, the warmth of his chuckle like dark chocolate on my tongue. I want to laugh, but instead another moan erupts as he strokes the feather over my hardened nipples. The effect is immediate and powerful, the electricity zings from one erogenous zone to the other and back again.Holyfuck.

No longer on the precipice of sleep, but still incredibly relaxed, I melt further into their touch. Behind me, Max’s cock thickens, pressing up against my lower back. He rocks against me, needing friction of his own, and I want to give it to him. I move to sit up, but he pulls me back against hischest.

“Not yet, Icy. We’re not done,” he says with barely heldcontrol.

Max’s hands slide my bra straps from my shoulders and push down the cups, freeing my breasts. He runs his palms over my nipples and another zing heads straight for my clit. I feel my pussy clench in response. Needing pressure, needing to rub at the tiny nub, my hands reach downwards, my fingers moving directly to the spot I need to feel themost.

“Allow me, sweetheart,” Bryce says. In an instant my underwear is gone, and my pussy is covered by his mouth. My hips instinctively push up against him, wanting more as he deftly licks, sucks and teases me with his mouth. Needing purchase, I grab hold of Bryce’s hair, curling my fingers tightly around thestrands.

“Fuck, Louisa, you’re so wet,” he murmurs, lust making his voicehoarse.

“Kiss me,” I grind out, turning my head sideways to Max. He finds my mouth and his tongue clashes with my own as our lips mould against eachother.

I desperately thrust against Bryce, my hips bucking, my pussy clenching. I am so wet, so ready to be loved by these men. My kisses with Max reflect that. Our kiss is urgent, desperate,electric.


Then I am floating in a whirlpool of light and colour as my mouth pulls away from Max and my body stiffens under Bryce’s lips. A powerful orgasm funnels up from my core, pulsates across my skin, then explodes behind my eyes. Seconds later I am falling, falling, falling into a pool ofbliss.

Eventually, I open my eyes. A giggle escapes mythroat.

“What’s so funny, Icy?” Max asks, a smile in his voice. Bryce is staring up at me from his position between my legs, a curious look on hisface.

“Where the hell did that feather come from?” Iask.

“This one, you mean?” Bryce says, an eyebrow raised in amusement as he holds italoft.

“Yup, thatone.”

“Well, that’s for me to know and you to find out,” he grins, trailing it over my thigh. I snatch it from his hands and run it over mypalm.

“Ready for some more feather touch?” heasks.

“Hmm. Another time maybe,” I purr, dropping it to the floor. Bryce sits up and I pull his head towards mine, kissing him deeply. He still has the taste of me on his lips and that in itself is intoxicating. He groans into my mouth as my hand falls to his cock. But I let him go and pull back, twisting in Max’s lap so that I am kneeling between his partedlegs.

“Lie down flat, Max,” I order. He raises his eyebrows at me, but he does what I ask. When he is flat on his back I yank down his boxers, helping him to wriggle out of them. Behind me I hear Bryce get up off the bed. “Where do you think you’re going?” I say over myshoulder.

“I thought you wanted time with Max…” he starts, a mixture of confusion and sadness on hisface.

“Get back here,” I demand. “You’re not goinganywhere.”

“You better do what Louisa says, Bryce,” Max chuckles. He is looking up at me with amusement and a heavy dose oflust.

Bryce kneels on the bed behind me. “What do you need,sweetheart?”

I don’t know where this confidence has come from, I barely recognise myself. Somehow these men make me feel powerful, a seductress rather than the seduced. Knowing exactly what I want and feeling liberated, I bend over, showing Bryce the round curve of my arse and the sleek opening of mypussy.

“You inside me, now,” I say, my voice hoarse withwant.

“Fuck me sideways,” Bryce grinds out, gripping onto my hips. His voice is a mixture of delighted surprise and lust. I feel the swell of his cock at my opening, and as I take Max’s cock in my mouth, Bryce enters me with one smooththrust.

For a few blissful minutes we are nothing but sensation. Bryce eases in and out of me with gentle control, mindful that my mouth is filled so fully by Max. We fuck, we make love, we devote ourselves to each other. Am I sad that Hudson is not with us? Yes, there is a huge part of me that longs for him even though I am so adored by these men, but an even bigger part of me is determined not to let that longing prevent me from loving these two. After all, they are still mine, even if Hudson isn’t quiteyet.