Chapter Sixteen

The next morning,I stand by the hotel’s main entrance with Nisha and Calum. Although last night Nisha had insisted on returning with us, I’d managed to persuade her to stay. What’s the point of her coming home with me? It isn’t as if she’d be able to get Hudson to remember any better than I could. She’s a stranger to him as much as me, though he appears to have accepted her far quicker. Perhaps it’s the news of the baby, perhaps it’s the way Calum is with her. Either way, he is able to hold a conversation with Nisha, which is a darn sight better than what I am able to get him to do. There’s been no acceptance of me at all. Not even as Max and Bryce’s girlfriend. It made sleeping arrangements awkward last night. In the end, we all slept alone. It wasawful.

“Are you certain you don’t want me to come back with you?” Nishaasks.

“Yes, I’m positive, Nisha. Stay here with Calum. Spend time together. Your holiday needn’t be cut short. Please, it would only make me feel worse if you returned hometoo.”

“Okay, but you keep me informed. Call me anytime, day or night.” Nisha pulls me in for a quick hug, squeezing metightly.

“How is he this morning?” Nisha asks, nodding her head towards Hudson, who is watching us both whilst pretending to listen to what Calum issaying.

“He’s quiet. Withdrawn. He’s barely said two words to me and he keeps giving me strange looks that I can’t interpret. Whatever he’s thinking, he’s keeping it tohimself.”

“What about Bryce andMax?”

I sigh. “Last night we all slept in different rooms. I don’t think either of them wanted to upset Hudson by spending the night with me. This morning was better, at least they were both affectionate towards me, but when Hudson came into the room they held back. It bothered me a lot, if I’mhonest.”

“Louisa, you need to get some shit straight with them. I get this must be hard, Hudson not knowing you or what you’ve shared, but Max and Bryce shouldn’t treat you differently. That isn’t going to helpanyone.”

“I know. I’m going to speak with them as soon as we’re back home. Thanks,Nish.”

“Looks like it’s time for you to go,” she says, nodding towards Calum, who’s approaching usboth.

“The car’s ready to take you to the airport. You need to get going if you’re going to catch your flight,” Calum says, wrapping his arm around Nisha’sshoulder.

I give him a quick peck on the cheek. “Thanks for everything, Calum. Look after her,okay.”

He wraps his arm around Nisha’s shoulder. “Of course Iwill.”

“See you both in a couple of weeks,” I say, heading over to my men. Hudson’s already in the car when I approachthem.

“Ready?” Bryceasks.

“As I’ll everbe.”

“It’s going to be another long journey,” Max says, and I know that he doesn’t just mean getting back toLondon.

* * *

Almost twenty hourslater we arrive back home. The journey had been uncomfortable to say the least and I am mentally and physically exhausted. But I am not ready to sleep just yet. There is a conversation that needs to happen before this night is through. Drawing a deep breath, I follow Bryce, Max and Hudson into thehouse.

“Anyone want a tea or a coffee? I’ll put the kettle on,” I say as we all step onto the firstfloor.

“I’m going to be bed,” Hudson responds sharply. He glances at me briefly as though expecting me to challenge him. He’sright.

“Not yet. I need to speak with you. All of you, actually,” I say, stepping in front ofhim.

“What’s there to talk about?” he asks, folding his arms across his chest. Defensive,again.

“Plenty,” I say. “I know I’m a stranger to you, Hudson, but you owe it to your brothers to hear me out. Please…” I add as anafterthought.

Bryce moves to stand next to me. Sliding an arm around my waist, he squeezes me against his side. “Hudson, Max and I would appreciate it if you give Louisa five minutes of your time.” When I look up Bryce, he looks drawn, tired. There is tension around his mouth. I wish I could smooth itaway.

Hudson shakes his head, about torefuse.

“Enough of this shit, Hudson. We’re not asking you. Sit down and listen to what Louisa has to say,” Max says, as he dumps his holdall on the floor. All of us look at him in surprise. Max isn’t usually the one to call Hudson out on any bullshit, that’s usually Bryce’sjob.

“Ignoring Louisa on the plane was pretty fucking childish. Now you’re going to act like an adult and listen to her.” Max glances at me, his lips pressed in a hard line. He is looking out for me, being protective. It’s both endearing and worrying. The last thing I want is to place a wedge betweenthem.