Max looks at me helplessly. He’s worried for me, for Hudson, for what we have together. I can see it written all over his face. I feel that worrytoo.

“Yesterday, a nurse came in to administer some painkillers. She was… attractive,” Max stalls. I know what’s coming and it makes me feel sick, but I don’t ask Max to stop. Instead, I wait for him tofinish.

“He was full on flirting with her. He was behaving how he used to before you came along. It made me fucking mad. I’ve never wanted to hit Hud, but yesterday I was pretty close to doing it. Which is ridiculous, given what’s happened to him. He was such an arsehole, Louisa. It’s like he’s been reset to the person who was intent on hurting himself and others, only ten times worse now. I’ve always loved him, Louisa, but I never realised how much I hated that side of him until I saw it in action again yesterday. I just…” Max looks at me, at the hurt he sees, and pulls me into his arms. “I just don’t want him to hurt you. I don’t want him to push you away. I don’t want to lose you, lose what wehave.”

For a moment I can’t respond. I need a second to gather my thoughts. Even though I feel sick inside at the thought of Hudson behaving that way, I know I won’t let it break me, break us. Leaning into Max, I let him hold me as the sea water laps at ourfeet.

“Say something,Louisa.”

Leaning back, I take Max’s face in my hands and press a kiss against hislips.

“Max, I am going to fight for us, for our family. No matter what it takes, I will get Hudson to remember. Iwill notrun.”

Max kisses me hard, and we stand wrapped in each other’s arms until the sound of someone clearing their throat behind us has us pullingapart.

“I’d like to have a word with my brother,please.”

Max steps back, releasing me from his arms, though he continues to hold myhand.

“Hudson, you’re back,” I say, stepping towards him, forgetting myself for amoment.

He frowns at me. “Bryce is inside with Calum and a woman called Nisha. She says she’s yourfriend.”

“Yes, she is. She is also Calum’s girlfriend. They’re having a baby together,” I say, knowing it will shockhim.

“What the fuck?” Hudson says. “Are you joking?” He is shocked, and this time he doesn’t appear to be very happy about the news. Those must be the hard edges Max was referringto.

“No, I wouldn’t joke about something like that. They’re going to have a baby. Three nights ago, you were over the moon forthem.”

Hudson shakes his head in disbelief. I’m not sure what he’s finding hard to grasp the most, the fact that Calum is going to be a father or the fact he had been so happy aboutit.

“Well, good luck to them, because they’re going to fucking needit.”

I flinch, his remark cutting me deep. Max tenses beside me. I feel his anger coiling, and if I can I’m pretty damn certain Hudson cantoo.

“They won’t need any luck. Those two adore each other. That baby will beloved… by all ofus.”

“They want to talk to you,” Hudson says coolly, avoiding my retort. He crosses his arms against his chest. I can practically see the walls being built as we speak. Hudson isn’t going to make this easy for me, for any of us. Even Max is horrified by Hudson’s coldreaction.

“I don’t mean to be rude,” he begins, becoming a littleimpatient.

“Funny, that’s exactly how you’re coming across,” Max says. “Just because you’ve had a knock to the head, it doesn’t mean you have free rein to be anarsehole.”

“Max, it’s fine. I want to speak with Nisha anyway. I’ll leave you to it.” I look at Max and he pulls an apologetic face. “See you in abit?”

“Of course,Icy.”

“Icy?” I hear Hudson mutter underneath his breath. He gives me a strangelook.

“Something to say?” Iask.

I let go of Max’s hand and walk towards Hudson, stopping in front of him. He gives me an appraising look. Though his eyes are alight with interest, intrigue perhaps, Max was right, there’s no warmth there. Despite my better judgement, I open my mouth, the words coming out before I have the chance to stop them. “Icy is Max’s nickname for me. I call him Jester, I have for some time now,” Iexplain.

“Is that so?” he says, raising aneyebrow.

“Yes, it is. There’s a reason for the nicknames. One day I hope you’ll rememberwhy.”

“Do you have a nickname forBryce?”