Bryce and Max both give their thanks and Calum offers her a lift back to thehotel.

“Thank you, I’d appreciatethat.”

She gives us a moment to say goodbye to Calum and Nisha, who is going back with him now she knows Hudson isokay.

“I’ll see you in a little while, Lou?” sheasks.

I nod my head. “Thank you for staying here withme.”

“Always,” she whispers, kissing me on thecheek.

Calum says his farewells and leaves with Carol and Nisha whilst Bryce, Max and I head to Hudson’sroom.

Bryce walks in first, followed by Max, then me. Bryce strides over toHudson.

“You okay, mate?” he asks, resting his hand on Hudson’s arm. He’s sitting up in bed, looking much better than he had on Railay beach. There is more colour in his face now, he’s not so pale. ThankGod.

“Apart from a banging headache and having no fucking clue what happened, I’m just dandy,” he says a little irritably. “Where the fuck am I,Bryce?”

Max approaches the bed, sitting on the end. “You’re in Thailand. You went rock climbing, had a fall, clonked your head good and proper. You had us worried for a bit,Hud.”

“Thailand? You’re shitting me, right?” heasks.

“You don’t remember?” Bryce asks, looking atMax.

“I think I’d bloody remember being in soddingThailand.”

I approach the bed slowly, a sick feeling filling my stomach. “Hudson?” I saygently.

Bryce steps out of the way as I approach. Max holds his hand out to me, sensing my need for comfort. I take it. Hudson looks at us both, then at our graspedhands.

“For fuck’s sake, Max, this isn’t the time to introduce me to your holiday fling,” he says, raking his eyes over me. The way he looks at me, it’s different. It reminds of the way he viewed me the first time we met. I don’t likeit.

“Holiday fling?” Bryce says, looking at Hudsonincredulously.

“What?” Hudson asks. “Surely you don’t think it’s appropriate for Max to bring this woman in here. I mean, you’re beautiful, darling,” he says, looking at me as though I’m a complete stranger. “But as you can see, I’ve had a knock to the head and I don’t feel like making conversation with a stranger, even a hot piece of arse with a pair of legs likeyours.”

My hand flies to my mouth. I suddenly feel like the room is about to disappear beneath my feet. Bryce slips his hand around my waist and hauls meupright.

“Don’t fuck around Hudson. This is Louisa,our girlfriend.” There’s a note of warning, and a large dose of fear in his voice. It doesn’t gounnoticed.

“Yeah, don’t joke, it isn’t funny,” Max says, laughing nervously. He squeezes my handtighter.

“Our girlfriend? What the fuck are you talkingabout?”

Hudson looks me up and down, a hollow laugh rising up his throat. “I don’t do girlfriends and I certainly don’t fucking share,” he says, looking at Bryce and Max as though they’re the ones who have had a bang on thehead.

“Are you seriously telling us you have no idea who Louisa is?” Bryceasks.

Hudson nods his head then looks directly at me. “I’ve no clue who youare.”

I can feel the tears prick my eyes at his words. “Hudson… It’s me…” My voice quavers as the feeling of nausea washes overme.

He frowns with confusion, looking between Max and Bryce. His expression softens just a fraction and for a brief moment I believe he’s finally realised who Iam.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know you,” he says, and my recently healed heart is shattered onceagain.