* * *

Three hourslater I’m a nervous wreck, waiting on news about Hudson. He’s had scans and has been poked and prodded by numerous medical professionals. Nisha is sitting with me in the family waiting room. Cal has gone to get us some drinks and Bryce and Max are trying to find out what is goingon.

“Louisa, sit down. You’ve been pacing for hours. Come on, you’re exhausted,” Nishasays.

“I can’t, I need to know he’s okay. What’s taking so long? If it’s just concussion it shouldn’t take this long, Nish,” I snap. I don’t mean to take my worry out on her, but I can’t seem to help myself. Nisha getsup.

“Come here,” she says, gently pulling me into herarms.

The moment she holds me it’s like a dam has burst and I cry huge, wracking sobs. “What if he’s not okay? What if he’s badly injured? You saw the look on that doctor’s face. She lookedconcerned.”

“Listen, Louisa, doctors have to err on the side of caution, it doesn’t necessarily mean theworst.”

The door behind us opens and Bryce enters. Nisha frees me from herarms.

“What’s going on? Is Hudson okay? Where’s Max? Is he with Hudson? Can I see him? Bryce, damn it, tell me what’s going on,” I say in a rush ofanxiety.

Bryce strides over to me and pulls me into his arms. “He’s okay, sweetheart. He’sokay.”

“Is he conscious?” Nishaasks.

“No, not at the moment.” Bryce sighs. He looks exhausted. Guilty. I both love him and am inordinately angry at him. Why the fuck didn’t they wear a helmet, why didn’t Bryce make Hudson? For fuck’s sake, what the hell is wrong withthem?

“Is he in a coma?” I ask stiffly, pulling out of Bryce’sarms.

“An induced one, yes. He had a small bleed on thebrain…”

“What?!” I shout. “You said he was okay. A bleed on the brain, Bryce. He doesn’t seem very okay to me. I need to see him now.” I try to push past Bryce, but he grabs hold of myarm.

“You can’t right now. They are just settling him into his room, hooking him up to an IV, giving himmedication.”

“Get out of my damn way, Bryce,” I scream. I don’t recognise the sound of my ownvoice.

“Stop!” He grips me harder, forcing me to face him. “I know you’re scared, but listen to me, Louisa. It was a small bleed, they put him under to rest his brain, to prevent any further bleeding. He came around for a while. He knew his name, he knew who we were. This is just a precaution. As soon as he’s settled they’ll come and get us. He’s going to be okay,” Bryce saysfirmly.

The anger that had ripped through me drains away quickly. The relief I feel is immense. “He’ll be okay? Oh God…” My voice cracks and I feel my legs buckling beneath me. Bryce catches me as I slumpforward.

“Hey, sweetheart, come and sit down. He’s going to be okay.” Bryce guides me to the armchair and I collapse into it just as Max enters the room withCalum.

“Now we wait,” Max says, striding over to my side. He draws me out of Bryce’s arms and I rest my head gratefully against hischest.

Calum hands a bottle of water to each of us. I shake my head, not wantingit.

“Hudson is tough, Louisa. In a few hours it’ll be as though nothing has happened,” hesays.

I smile tremulously at him. “I hope you’re right,” I say, but something deep inside tells me it might not be as easy asthat.

“You can come through now.Hudson is awake,” the doctor says from her position by the door. It’s the same doctor who helped us on the resort. I realise I haven’t thanked her for helping Hudson. The clock on the wall says it’s almost eight o’clock in the evening. We’ve been here most of the day. I’ve not eaten since lunch, but the thought of food makes me feelsick.

“You’ve been here all this time? Thank you,” I say, getting up. “Thank you for everything.” Tears well again. I know I need to pull myself together before I go in and see Hudson. He doesn’t need to see me like this. I have to be strong forhim.

“You’re welcome. I’m Carol Willams, by the way,” she says, holding her hand out to shake. I ignore it and instead I pull her in for ahug.

“I won’t forget what you’ve done for Hudson, forus.”

She looks a little shocked by my sudden display ofgratitude.

“That’s perfectly okay. I’m a doctor, it’s what I do.” She smiles kindly. I step back, feeling suddenly foolish, but more than that, desperate to seeHudson.