Chapter Eleven

Sunlight filtersthrough the slatted blinds, and my eyes flutter open. I’m still sleepy and it takes me a moment to remember where I am. Then the smell of the sea and suntan lotion reminds me. I’m in Thailand on holiday with my men, Nisha, and Calum. We’ve been here a week now and each new day has been more perfect than the last. We’ve spent all week staying in the resort whilst Max, Bryce and Hudson have attended meetings. They’ve taken it in turns spending the day with me whilst the other two do business. Today it’s Max’s turn. Funnily enough, even though none had wanted to start my rota idea, it has been happening naturally. It’s been utterly blissful being able to spend quality time with each of my men during the day, then gathering together in the afternoon. I spend a lot of time with each of them in bed, and though that is wonderful in itself, I do feel slightly guilty about it. There’s so much to explore, tosee.

“What are the plans for today?” I mumble, turning over in bed. Max is lying next to me, his arms tucked behind his head. On the side table next to him, the digital clock says it’s eleven thirtyam.

“Is that the time? We should get up, it’s almostlunchtime.”

“Hey, there’s no rush. You’re on holiday,remember.”

“I know, but it doesn’t feel right wasting so much time in the bedroom when we’ve got all of that beautyoutside.”

“Wasting time? I’ve never had anyone say that sex with me is a waste of time.” He crosses his arms across his chest in mockdefence.

“You know I didn’t mean it like that,” Isay.

He chuckles, pulling me into his arms. “I’m not sure I do. Perhaps I need to show you again what great sex feelslike.”

“What, after last night? I’m not sure my body can take any more. Where are Bryce and Hud anyway?” Iask.

“They left for Railay a couple of hours ago. They’ve gone rock climbing. Do you fancy joiningthem?”

“I thought they’d gone to ameeting?”

“They did, but it was over quicker than they’d anticipated so they decided to take a trip overthere.”

“If I’d known their plans, I would’ve made sure I said goodbye before they left.” A strange feeling of unease settles in my chest. I’d woken up in the early hours of the morning to a nightmare that had kept me up half thenight.

“They didn’t want to disturb you. You okay?” Maxasks.

“Yes, of course. I didn’t sleep brilliantly, that’s all, and I’ve got a bit of a headache comingon.”

“Well, all the more reason you should be staying in bed… with me. I’ll get rid of that headache.” Max pushes me onto my back and kisses me. “What do you say, Icy?” he asks, wiggling hiseyebrows.

I laugh. “I suppose a few more minutes won’thurt.”

He pulls his head back sharply. “A few minutes? Icy, you know that I’m the one with all the stamina, right,” hejokes.

“Don’t let Bryce or Hudson hear you saythat.”

“Hey, it’s not my fault they’re one-minutewonders.”

I giggle, pulling him in for anotherkiss.

* * *

An hour later,we are both lazing by our private pool. Max is on a sun lounger topping up his tan, and I am sitting on the edge of the pool, my legs dangling in the water. There isn’t a cloud in the sky and the sun is blazing. Sweat rolls down my chest, pooling in my belly button. I slide into the water, revelling in its coolness. It’s not so cold that it takes my breath away, but cool enough to be refreshing. I swim to the opposite side and pull myself up onto the sunken seating area. The water here is warmer, given it’s not as deep as the main portion of thepool.

“What time do you think Hudson and Bryce will beback?”

Max sits up on his sunbed and takes a drink of his pineapple juice. The ice cubes chink against the side of theglass.

“Not until late afternoon, Ireckon.”

“What about you? You didn’t want to partake in themadness?”

Max gets up and strolls over to the pool. He makes a perfect dive into the water, surfacing just in front of me. Small pearls of water roll off his oiled skin as he pushes his hair back off hisface.

“The only sport I’m into, aside from skiing, is making love to you, Icy,” he says, placing his hands on the ledge either side of my hips. I can feel his hands slide around my thighs. “Why do you think I opted to stay behindtoday?”