Chapter Nine

“We’re goingto stay a bit longer, wet the baby’s head,” Max says a couple of hourslater.

“Wet the baby’s head? That normally happens after the baby is born, not before,” Nisha says with a laugh. Calum and Nisha are about to retire for the evening and have got up to say theirfarewells.

“True, but I think your news is cause for celebration and Hudson and I are in the mood for another drink, so why not? Cal, you want to join us?” Maxasks.

“No thanks, mate. Nish and I have lots to discuss,” hesays.

“Fair enough,” Hudson says, clapping him on the back. “Catch you sometime tomorrow,yes?”

“Absolutely.” Calum draws Nisha to hisside.

“See you in the morning,” I say, giving them both a quick peck on thecheek.

“Sure. We’ll probably have breakfast on the beachfront café, if you want to meet usthere.”

“That’d be lovely. Sleep well,” I wink, and she laughs. We both know there won’t be much sleepingtonight.

They stroll off, Nisha leaning into Calum’s arms. It warms my heart to know they’re both so blissfully happy about the news. God only knows Nisha deserves it. Throughout my life she has been the one person I could rely on. No matter what, she was by my side at the drop of a hat. Always looking out for me, even when there were times when I couldn’t look out for her. She will be a great mum. Frankly, she brought me up, even though she’s only two years older than Iam.

“We won’t be too long, we’ll be back by midnight,” Max says, kissing me on the mouth. He heads off to the bar and orders a couple ofbeers.

“Yep. We’ll make sure we’re back before the coach turns back into a pumpkin, unless you want to stay with us, baby,” Hudsonasks.

I glance over at Bryce, who is standing away from us looking out to sea. Hudson follows mygaze.

“Perhaps not,” he says, leaning over and pressing a kiss against my cheek. “I think you’re needed.” He nods in Bryce’sdirection.

“Any idea what’s up?” Iask.

“I have a fairidea.”

“Do you want to give me a heads-up?”

“It’s a conversation you need to have with Bryce, I think. It’s not my story totell.”

I bite on my lipnervously.

“Hey, Louisa, if anyone can get him to open up, it’ll be you.” He draws me in for a quick hug, pressing a kiss against the top of my head, then strides over to thebar.

Bryce jumps when I place my hand on hisshoulder.

“Shit, sorry. I don’t know what the fuck’s wrong with me,” he says, giving me an apologeticlook.

“You want to talk about it?” I say as we step onto thebeach.

“I guess so.” Bryce takes my hand. For a few minutes we stroll along the beach, leaving the noise of the restaurant behind us until there is just the sound of us breathing and the soft lap of the waves against the shore. It doesn’t take us long to reach our bungalow. Bryce stops in front of our decking and tips his head back, looking up at thestars.

“They’re so beautiful, don’t you think? Back home we only get to see ahandful.”

“Not so many artificial lights here blocking their sparkle.” It goes quiet between us. I get the sense Bryce wants to talk but he doesn’t know how to start. So, I start forhim.

“Bryce, what is it? You’ve been acting strange ever since Cal told you the news. I thought you were happy for themboth?”

Bryce takes a seat on the bottom step of the decking. I sit down next tohim.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they’re going to be a family. It’sjust…”