“Uh-oh, not trouble in paradise, I hope?” Maxasks.

I pick up my glass of white wine and take a sip, setting it back down on the table once again. “Not in the slightest,” I say, unable to hide myjoy.

“What are you smiling about?” Hudson asks. My happiness must be catching because all three of my men are grinningtoo.

“It’s not my place to say. You’ll find out soon enough…” Just as I say those words, I hear Calum hooting with glee and Nisha’s laugh. We all turn to the sound and can just about make out Calum spinning Nisha in the air. He places her back on her feet and kisses her withabandon.

Max whistles. “What on earth is that allabout?”

“That, right there, is what you call happiness, Max. Isn’t it beautiful?” I turn back around and gaze at each of my men. “It’s how I feel about you all. I loveyou.”

They are prevented from responding as Calum and Nisha walk back up the decking towards us. Calum is grinning from ear toear.

“Guys, I’m going to be a dad,” Calum blurts out, his eyes wide withwonder.

“Bloody hell, mate,” Max says. He’s the first to jump up. He hugs Calum and kisses Nisha. “This is awesomenews.”

Bryce stands, holding his hand out to Calum, who laughs and pulls him in for ahug.

“This isn’t a business meeting, Bryce,” he says, slapping him on theback.

Bryce laughs, even though he appears a little tense. “You’re going to be a great dad,” he says eventually. He too hugs and kisses Nisha. She’s beaming, but I can’t help but notice Bryce’s guarded smile. There’s something up, later we will need to talk aboutthat.

Finally, Hudson gets up. He looks a little shell-shocked, but he pulls himself together enough to grab a glass of wine and propose atoast.

“Cal, Nisha, I couldn’t be happier for you…” he stops, looking at me for reassurance. He is genuinely taken aback by thenews.

“Go on,” I say gently, taking hishand.

Cal pulls Nisha into his arms. She glances at me, her brows pulling together. I know she’s wondering what Hudson is about to say. I amtoo.

Hudson swipes a hand through his hair, before blowing out a breath. “There was a time I never thought I’d ever feel happiness like this. Who would’ve thought that the four of us would find the women we love. Bloody hell, I thought we’d all be bachelors forever. Calum, Nisha, I’m so happy for you both. Fuck man, you’re going to be a dad.” He grins widely, raising his glass. “I love you all. To us, to ourfamily,” he finally chokes out, the emotion getting to him. I couldn’t love him any more in that moment. What a difference a few months can make. Hudson has certainly turned a corner when it comes to expressing hisemotions.

We all pick up a glass. “To family,” we say inunison.

The rest of the evening is spent discussing all our futures. The future of the company, the plans for this resort, where Nisha and Cal will live long-term, given his flat above the garages won’t be suitable once the baby arrives. We talk about the practicalities of our growing life together. It feels as though the world is at our feet, that at long last life is being good to us all. My heart swells withhope.