“I’m so happy, Lou. I could burst,” she sayseventually.

“Me too. I never dreamed we’d find this…”Happiness, joy. I can’t finish the sentence, I’m so overwhelmed by itall.

She squeezes my hand. “Isn’t it funny, that even though we’ve got their love we still can’t quite believe we’re worthy of it?” Her soft laugh is edged with a note ofsadness.

“I know what you mean. Our mums did a number on us, didn’tthey?”

“Yeah, they did,” Nisha says, her voicewobbling.

“Hey, what’s wrong? You and Calum are okay, aren’tyou?”

“We’re more than okay. We’re amazing. He makes me so happy. It’s just…” her voice trailsoff.

“It’s just what, Nish? It’s alright, you can tellme.”

Nisha sighs, turning to face me. Her brown eyes swim with tears, fear and hope shining in them. “I’m pregnant,” she sayssoftly.

“You’repregnant?” I ask in arush.

She nods, a small smile pulling up her lips as a single tear falls from hereye.

“That’s wonderful news, Nish,” I say, pulling her into a hug. “Oh, my God, you’re going to be a mum. Does Calumknow?”

She shakes her head. “I wanted to talk to you first. I’m worried about how he’ll take it. What if he doesn’t want a baby? What if he won’t want me anymore? You know what happened when my mum told my father about me. He upped and left us both.” Nisha’s voice cracks and I hold onto hertightly.

“Hey, Calum is not like the men who abandoned us. He’s a good guy, and he loves you, Nish. Any fool can see that. He won’tleave.”

“I’m so scared,” she says, pulling back from my hold and wiping the tears from her eyes. “I don’t think I could take his rejection. I love Calum somuch.”

“Listen to me, Nisha Bell. You are an incredible woman. Calum knows it. He loves you. Don’t doubtthat.”

She smiles tumultuously at me. “Thanks, Lou. Whatever would I do withoutyou?”

“Let’s face it, you’d be fine. You’re the strongest woman Iknow.”

Nisha places the palm of her hand against the flat of her belly. I place my hand over the top of it. “How far along are you?” Iask.

“About six weeks. Notfar.”

We both look down at her stomach. “You’ve got a little baby in there, Nish. I can’t believe you’re going to be a mum. I’m going to be an aunt.” I throw my arms around her and we spin in the surf, laughing with happiness. Behind us someone coughs. We stop giggling. It’sCalum.

“Hey, you two, dinner’s ready,” he says, a confused but happy grin on hisface.

I squeeze Nisha’s hand. “I’ll leave you alone for aminute.”

Nisha nods her head. “Thanks, Lou. I love you,” shesays.

“I love youtoo.”

When I reach Calum’s side, I place my hand on his arm and pat it gently. “You’ll dogreat.”

A frown creases his forehead. “Do great atwhat?”

“You’ll see,” I say. Then I walk back towards my own happiness in the shape of the Freedbrothers.

“Where’s Nisha and Calum?” Bryce asks as I sit back down at the table. Max and Hudson look at meexpectantly.

“They’ve got things to talk about. They won’t belong.”