“See you at dinner,” Calum says,smiling.

“She’s like a kid who’s had too many sweets,” Max jokes as we watch Nisha practically drag Calum towards the shore. Calum appears to be enjoying himselfthoroughly.

“Nisha’s excited. It’s not every day people like us get to holiday in places likethis.”

“People like us… What do you mean by that?” Bryce asks,frowning.

“By people, I mean Nisha and me. You guys aren’t included in that sweepingstatement.”

Bryce is still frowning. In fact, Max and Hudson are giving me a funny look too. “You know what I mean. I wasn’t trying to offend anyone,” Imumble.

“Come on, let’s get Louisa to the bungalow,” Max says, breaking thetension.

Seemingly out of nowhere, another member of the hotel staff appears with a tray of delicious-looking drinks. He offers me one and I take a sip. It’s fresh pineapple mixed with coconut juice and isdelicious.

“Thank you,” Isay.

Once Max, Bryce and Hudson have all helped themselves to a drink as well, we follow the concierge to our accommodation. We take a stone path around the main hotel lobby area and beyond through more beautiful sculptured gardens. Everything is lush and green and there are even more exotic flowers growing along the path. I see little red flowers with white centres growing up from the ground, and above us bright yellow flowers hang in golden showers. We head past a gap in the trees, where another path cuts across us and leads to the white sandy beach beyond. I stop, momentarily taken aback by the stunning view. Paradise, that’s what this place is. Dotted along the beach are sun loungers covered by parasols. There are even a few hammocks hanging from some of the palm trees. In the distance I can just about make out a familiar-looking couple strolling hand in hand along the shore. Nisha has her trousers rolled up and is walking through the surf. I can hear her laughter over the waves lapping against the shore. It makes mesmile.

“Hey, baby, you happy?” Hudson asksme.

I turn to face him. “Thank you for bringing me here. It’sbeautiful.”

He takes my hand. “Thank you for coming, you’re beautiful,” he says in response. We catch up with Max and Bryce. There are a few holiday makers milling around; couples in swimsuits and sarongs, holding hands as they wander to the beach, couples sitting at tables, served by waiters and waitresses in pristine white uniforms. Interestingly, I don’t see anychildren.

“Is this resort for adultsonly?”

“That’s right. I love kids, but I don’t want to hear them screeching while I’m trying to… relax,” Hudsonsays.

“You love kids,eh?”

“Does that surprise you?” heasks.

“Honestly, yes, alittle.”


“I just figured kids weren’t on youragenda.”

He gives me a lopsided look. “They weren’t untilrecently.”


“You changed me. Now, I can see myself being a dad. I want tobe.”

“Wow. I’m not sure what to say to that.” I glance at Max and Bryce, who are chatting up ahead of us. I wonder what they think of fatherhood, whether they want children too. Is this something we could do? Or would it become too complicated, given our unusualrelationship.

“Something to chat about another time, maybe?” Hudson says, noting my thoughtfullook.

“Yeah, another time,” Iagree.

Eventually, the concierge brings us to our bungalow. I should have known it wouldn’t be a small hut made of wood, which is exactly how I’ve been imagining it. Ourbungalowis more like a mini hotel with a wide, open porch, and a steepled roof edged in gold that reminds me of the temples found here in Thailand. It is built with dark mahogany, instead of the rough wood of the rustic Petite Cabane inFrance.

Bryce hands the concierge a few notes, whose eyes widen in appreciation at the amount. He places his hands together in a prayer position, bowing slightly before walking off back towards the mainbuilding.

“So, what do you think?” Max asks me as Hudson and I join him and Bryce on the porch. I look at him, a feeling of contentment settling in mychest.

“I think you are all wonderful,” I say, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him on the mouth. “This place is beyond anything I ever imagined. I can’t believe you ownit!”