“I’m up for it, bro,” Bryce says, throwing some notes on the table and pulling on his jacket. “Louisa, I take it by the look on your face, you’d rather pull your eyeballs out than go see this movie?” heasks.

“Yup, that’s about right,” Isay.

Max gets up. “Cal, Nisha? Want to joinus?”

Nisha leans into Calum’s arms. “Actually, Cal and I were going to head home… we’ve still got packing to do for tomorrow.” Her voice trails off. It’s pretty clear what they are going home for and it certainly isn’t to pack theirsuitcases.

“Of course. Have fun guys,” I say, standing up to give Nisha a hug. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’tdo.”

Nisha grins kissing, me on the cheek. “I’m pretty sure you’ve done most thingsalready.”

Calum and Nisha say their goodbyes and leave the restaurant. I feel ridiculously happy seeing their relationship go from strength to strength. It had been rocky at first, especially after her ordeal with Smithy and his men. Yet Calum’s stalwart patience and love had pulled her through those dark days thatfollowed.

“If ever two people were made for each other, it’s those two,” Brycesays.

“I couldn’t agree more. Although we have a pretty great square going on ourselves,” Isay.

“Square?” Maxlaughs.

“Yes, we don’t have a love triangle, we have a love square. Squares have always been my favouriteshape.”

“Is that so? Well, my favourite shape is your arse, it’s peachy,” Hudson says. He stands and hands me my coat, but not before he’s run the flat of his palm against my jean cladbottom.

“Peachy is not a shape. It’s a fruit,” I say with asmirk.

“Peachy, square, it’s all the same tome.”

“I figure you’re going to hang out with Louisa then?” Max asks Hudson as he pulls on his owncoat.

“Actually, I was thinking of taking a visit to see Beth. It’s been awhile.”

“Right now?” Bryceasks.

“It’s been over a month, and given we’re going away tomorrow for a few weeks, I think I should.” Hudson looks at me hopefully. “Would you like to cometoo?”

“Sure, of course I will.” If I’m honest, I’m not very sure at all, but I am happy that Hudson has asked me to go along with him. Being there with him whilst he faces his demons is a big step in our relationship. It means he trusts me enough to see him at his mostvulnerable.

“Okay, well that’s settled. We’ll see you back home in a few hours. Give Beth our love, will you?” Max asks, giving me a quick peck on thecheek.

“Yeah, ditto,” Bryce says, giving Hudson a quick hug. “I know it’s hard to see her the way she is, but it’s the right thing to do. I’m glad you’re taking Louisa with you.” He presses a kiss against my lips and leaves the restaurant, Max intow.

Hudson turns to me. “Thanks for coming with me, Louisa. It gets harder every time. I feel like a prick saying that, but it’s true. Beth is a constant reminder of mymistakes.”

“Come on. You’ve got me to support you. Let’s go and seeBeth.”

Hudson gives me a tight smile, grabs hold of my hand, and entwines his fingers with mine. We step out of the restaurant and make our way to hiscar.