“I likehim.”

“We alldo.”

Hudson grabs the takeaway and heads towards the door Max and Bryce entered through a moment ago. I follow. Beyond the door is a conference room. In the middle is a large mahogany table with several chairs positioned around it. Along the back wall of the room are matching cupboards. Bryce heads over and opens a door, grabbing some plates and cutlery. He places them on the table whilst Max pulls out the various cartons of food. My stomachrumbles.

“You always keep this kind of stuff here?” I ask, lookingbemused.

“Yep, we work late a lot. It’s easy just to get takeaway in. This has become our second dining room. Besides, before we never had any reason to rush back home,” Max explains as he dishes up some delicious smelling Thai green curry onto each of theplates.


“Before you, of course,” he says with a sweetsmile.

We dig in. The brothers talk business for a while and, though interesting, I find my mind wandering. Being here with them all, comfortable like this, is the best kind of feeling. Soon my thoughts stray to the last night in Petite Cabane where the three of them took me to a place of ecstasy with their mouths and hands upon the kitchen table. I find that I am squirming in my seat at the deliciousmemory.

“Louisa, are you alright,” Max asks from his spot opposite me. My eyes focus on him, he is frowning. The room has suddenly gone deathlyquiet.

“Yes, sorry,” I say, shaking my head. My cheeks flush immediately, partly through embarrassment that they’ve caught me not paying attention, and partly because I am feeling more than a little turned on. It is totally inappropriate, given we are in their place of work. Hudson, who is sitting to my right, places his fork down. I can feel him staring atme.

“What are you thinking about, Louisa?” heasks.

“Nothing important,” I say, moving my food around with my fork. A flash of black silk, hot mouths and warm liquid against my skin tumbles across my thoughts once again. Something shifts within me and I feel my nipples tighten against the cotton of my bra. What the hell is wrong with me? It isn’t as if we didn’t have sex just last night, but there is something about the power they exude here in this place theybuilt.

Hudson, somehow sensing the change, gets up and stands behind me. I feel his hands slide over myshoulders.

“What are you thinking about, Louisa?” he whispers into my ear. I feel the slight graze of his stubble against my cheek. That simple touch sends bolts of electricity over myskin.

I swallow, glancing up at Bryce and Max, who are watching with interest, their gaze flicking between Hudson and myself. Bryce’s hands are resting on the table in front of him, the large veins on the back of them protruding slightly. I don’t know why that turns me on, but it does. Max has rolled up his shirt sleeves, his muscular forearms covered in blonde hair. They are like polar opposites, Max and Bryce. I am attracted to them both equally, but in different ways. Then there’s Hudson with his troubled past, his dragon tattoo, his turbulent green eyes and fuck me smile. I am a hot mess almost constantly when they are around. Put all three in a boardroom and clearly, I am introuble.

“You don’t need to be shy around us,” Hudson says, running his fingertips under the collar of my top. “Tell us what’s goingon.”

“I was thinking about the last night at PetiteCabane…”

“Yes, Icy,” Max says, a flirtatious smile pulling up his lips. I watch as Bryce rubs the flat of his hand against the table. He catches my gaze and I know he is remembering our time together in the shower and all the fucking we have done since. My mouth parts as I recall the way he made me come with his lips and histongue.

“What about it, darling?” Bryce asks, his hazel eyesdarkening.

“I was thinking about how much I want you all to touch me,” I say in a breathy rush. There, I said it. I feel Hudson’s hands still on my shoulder. “Well, that can be arranged,” he says after a moment. His hand slides over the front of my shirt as his fingers begin to undo the buttons. “What else?” Hudson moves his hand lower, undoing each buttonsteadily.

“I was also thinking about how much I want to touch you all. I want to taste you, Bryce, like you tasted me.” I look at him with nothing but longing and desire. He blows out a steady breath at myconfession.

“Fuck me,” Maxsays.

“I want to. All the damn time. I think about nothing else. You’ve ruined me,” I say with a gentlelaugh.

Hudson’s hand reaches the last few buttons and he undoes them. Leaning over, he pulls open my shirt. I turn my head to the side and he catches my mouth with a gentle kiss. His hand slides over my lace-covered breast. He cups me gently, running the pad of his finger over my nipple. Opposite me I hear Bryce groan. It is intensely erotic being played with in such a way whilst Max and Bryce watch. I am getting used to their ways. Sometimes all three will spend the night with me, sometimes just one of them, on occasion two. It doesn’t matter what combination, there is no jealously or rivalry, we make itwork.

Hudson swivels my seat so that I’m facing him and places his hands on the arms of the chair, effectively boxing me in. He leans over and kisses me fiercely, and I respond with the same fervour, wrapping my hands around his neck. The heat in the room has ratcheted up several notches. Through the haze of our passion I sense Bryce standing behind me, the familiar smell of his aftershave telling me it’s him. As Hudson kisses me, Bryce slides his hands over my breasts, squeezing them gently in his large hands. Opposite I hear Max mutter under his breath, something about the ‘best fucking dessertever’.

A phone rings from the corner of the meeting room and the sound has Hudson pulling awayreluctantly.

“Who the fuck is that?” hesays.

“Let me find out,” Max sighs, getting up. He answers, listens, thanks the caller then puts the phone back on the cradle. “Fun’s over. Cleaners are coming up, and the IT guys want to set up Louisa’s computer ready forMonday.”

Bryce removes his hands and pulls my shirt together over my chest. “We are not done,” he says, bending over and pressing a kiss against my cheek. “Come on, I’m calling acab.”