“I’m going to grab us all a drink. I’ll be back in a bit,okay.”

I nod my head, unable to answer him. Unsure now, the connection between us seems to have broken. Sitting up, my skirt bunched up around my waist, I watch him leave theroom.

“Hey, what is it, darling?” Bryce asks, sitting down on the bed next to me. He is so relaxed in hisskin.

I don’t answer, not sure I know what it is that I feel. Not rejected, no. I know he felt something. Disappointedperhaps.

“Is this too much? We can leave…” hestarts.

“No. I don’t want you to go,” I sayquietly.

“Then we’ll stay.” Bryce stands, pulling me to my feet too. He folds me into his arms and it is just what I need at this moment. Over his shoulder I can see Hudson watching us. I can’t read hisexpression.

“Come on, darling. Let’s get you cleaned up.” Bryce takes my hand and leads me to the en suite. Stopping at the door, I turn to Hudson, who has made no move to followus.

“Will you joinus?”

“Baby, I’ll wait here for you, okay?” Hudson says, his eyes flicking toBryce.

“Okay,” I respond, a frown creasing my brow. Hudson lays down on the bed, places his hands behind his head and shuts his eyes. I don’t know why he’s chosen to stay behind, and I feel uncertain suddenly, as if I have done somethingwrong.

“I wanted a moment alone with you,” Bryce says, shutting the door behind us. “Hudsonunderstands.”

“Why? I mean, I’m fine with it. I love being with each of you, but I don’t want to come between you all…” This strange feeling erupts in my chest, like something important is going on but I’m missing thepoint.

“That’s just it, Louisa. You’ve not come between us, you’ve pulled us closer together. You are special, so goddamn beautiful. I just wanted a moment with you alone. Just you andme.”

“You don’t want to shareme?”

“It’s not that. I love us being afamily…”

“A family?” My heart trips in my chest at hiswords.

“Yes. That’s what you are to menow.”

“Then what isit?”

Bryce scrapes a hand through his hair. “Just because you belong to all of us, it doesn’t mean I always want to share these moments with my brothers too. Hudson respectsthat.”

“I understand. I thought it was something I’ddone.”

“Christ no,” Bryce says, pulling me against his chest. “I just want to make love to you, alone. Right now, that’s what I need.” The softness of his hair brushes against my brow as his hands slide up to my face. He leans down and kisses me until another flame is stoked within my chest and my heart is thundering once more. He breaks away briefly to open the mirrored cabinet. He pulls out a pack of condoms, taking one out of the box and sheathing himself. His cock stands tall and proud as he backs me up against the wall, I feel it between us as he begins to kiss me once more. Bryce slides his hand over my arse and lifts me up. The cold of the bathroom tile against my back does nothing to cool my flaming desire. He eases me down over his length. I take him easily, still slick from my lovemaking withMax.

“Fuck, darling…” he groans into my hair as he begins to move within me. I cling onto him as he takes me against the wall, his hips moving with purpose. I can feel his muscles flex under my hands, his strength holding me firm. It isn’t long before I am calling his name, just like I had with Max. The sound of my reverence is clear to anyone who cares to listen. This big, alpha male. This man who holds me in his arms, who makes me feel safe. He is my man, just like Max, just like Hudson. They are all mine. As that thought enters my head, a kaleidoscope of colour explodes behind my eyes as Bryce takes me over the edge. I become limp in his arms as he bites down on my shoulder, his own orgasm ripping through himviolently.

“Darling, what have you done to me,” he says, his hazel eyes wide with surprise, with wonder. He lowers me to the floor. My legs feel shaky as he guides me to the shower, turning it on for me. He unhooks my bra and unzips my skirt. I allow both to fall to the floor. Then we step into the cubicle. He washes me gently, running his hands all over mybody.

“Do you remember the last time we showered together?” heasks.

“How could Iforget?”

“Want to replay it?” Bryce doesn’t bother to wait for my answer, he simply grabs my hips, twists me away from him then kneels behind me. I bend over for him, showing him my round arse and pussy. He takes me with his mouth and within a couple of minutes, I am coming hard and fastagain.

When we leave the bathroom, the bedroom is dark and there is soft music playing in the background. The light from behind me illuminates Hudson’s naked skin. He has his back to me, and I can hear his gentle breathing, can see the soft rise and fall of his chest.Is heasleep?

“I’ll leave you two alone, sweetheart,” Bryce says, pressing a kiss against my cheek. He leaves the room. Not wanting to wake Hudson, I tiptoe over to the bed and lay down next to him. My eyes adjust to the light and I can see him more clearly. He is beautiful. He has a different kind of beauty to Max and Bryce. Where Max is carefree, Hudson is serious. Where Bryce is thoughtful, Hudson is demanding. His beauty is edged with pain, with a darkness that pulls at the edges of his soul. I can sense it around him, those shards that cut deep. Each of my men have it in varying degrees, but with Hudson it is most noticeable. I lift my hands to his shoulder and graze my fingers down the length of his arm. He stirs but he doesn’t open his eyes. My fingertips move across the firm muscle of his chest, over the smattering of hair that covers it. I press my palm over his heart. I am in awe of this man, these men, who are mending my own brokenheart.
