A few hourslater after saying goodnight to Nisha and Calum, we head up to bed. I stop at my bedroom door, glancing over my shoulder at Max, Bryce and Hudson who are all loitering behind me. It’s kind of cute how they are all trying to remain gentlemanly, even though I can tell they just want to jump my bones. God knows, I want them to, but it might be a bit painful rightnow.

“Do you want to come in?” I ask. It comes out in a breathyrush.

“Hell, yes,” Maxsays.

Bryce frowns. “Only if you’re sure. You need toheal.”

“Just to sleep, nothing more,” Isay.

“Just to sleep it is then, sweetheart.” Bryce glances at Hudson and Max. “You boys going to be able to do that?” hejokes.

“Get in the damn room,” Hudson responds with a roll of hiseyes.

Inside we get undressed. This time it’s Bryce who helps me remove my top. I blush when he picks my pyjamas up. They are the opposite ofsexy.

“What the hell are these?” he asks, grinning stupidly as he holds up my fluffy, pink, leopard printtop.

“They are the most comfortable pyjamas known to mankind,” I say, trying to hide myembarrassment.

“You do realise, Bryce has a thing for fluffy pink leopards. Top of his list of turn-ons,” Maxlaughs.

Bryce chucks my top at him. “Shut up, youplum.”

“Okay, okay, I get it. Not sexy,” I say, turning an even deeper shade of pink than thetop.

“You could wear a paper bag and still be fucking sexy,” Hudson says, his green eyes sparking with lust. I swallow, he is giving me his most droolworthy, come-to-bed eyes. “Besides, there’s no point in wearing those pyjamas, you’ll be way too hot with us three surroundingyou.”

“Hud’s right. We’ll soon warm you up,” Max says as he pulls back the covers, climbs into the centre of the bed and sits up against the headboard. He’s bare-chested, but still wearing his boxershorts.

“Come here, Icy.” He pats the space between his legs. “It might be better for you to sleep a little elevated. I will be your cushion.” I look at his firm chest and ripped abs. He doesn’t look particularly cushion-like. Still, I’m not about to refuse the offer of using Max as a pillow. Climbing onto the bed in my underwear, I settle down between Max’s legs, resting my head against his abdomen. Bryce gets in behind me and Hudson slides in the other side so that he’s facingme.

“Lights out,” hesays.

In the dark I feel each of my men reach for me. Max strokes my hair, Hudson takes my hand in his, and Bryce rests his palm against my hip. It takes us all a very long time to fall asleep. The last thoughts that slip through my head before sleep pulls me under is how inextricably happy I feel surrounded by these beautifulmen.