I look at Nisha’s ripped Star Wars t-shirt and try not to laugh. “Oh, Nish, I think you lookcute…”

“You would say that, you’re my bestfriend.”

My phone starts ringing before I can respond. Stretching towards the side table, I pick it up. “It’s Richard, I should take this,” I say toNisha.

“Sure, I’ll be in the kitchen making breakfast,” she says, jumping off the bed. “Catch you in abit.”

“Okay,” I mouth, answering thephone.

For the next ten minutes I fill Richard in on what’s happened. His immediate reaction is that I should go to the police about Smithy, but in the end, I manage to convince him the situation is under control now Bryce, Max and Hudson are looking out for me. I don’t go into detail about my relationship with them. Richard just assumes one of them is my boyfriend and I don’t bother to correct him. I’m not in the mood to try and justify my lifestyle choices, particularly when I don’t really understand them myself. I care about three men, am attracted to all of them equally and don’t want to have to choose. Bless him, Richard comes across as really protective and it warms my heart. He’s such a good man. After agreeing to meet him for lunch in a couple of days’ time, we say our goodbyes and hangup.

Pulling on my favourite comfy cardigan, I head downstairs to thekitchen.

“Hey Louisa. I’m making some Witches’ bread. Do you want some?” sheasks.

Apart from some music being played loudly in another part of the house, we appear to be alone. I take a seat at one of the bar stools in the kitchen and watch Nisha cook us up our favourite breakfast; fried bread cooked in egg. For some unknown reason we have always called it Witches’ bread. It’sdelicious.

“You’re making yourself at home,” I say as she prances around thekitchen.

“Bryce said I could… and well, who knows how long this will last. I want to make the most ofit.”

My face falls. “You don’t think it’lllast?”

Nisha’s head snaps up. “Oh no, I didn’t mean you and them. I meant me, Lou. I’m the odd one out here. You’re the one they care about. I’m here because of your request. It’s nice they’re letting me stay and all, but I’m under no illusion that this will last forever for me. I fully expect to be lobbed out at some point. So I’m enjoying this while I can.” She sounds chipper, but I know when she’s putting on a brave face, we’ve been friends far toolong.

“Hey,” I say, leaning over the worksurface and touching her hand. “We’ll work something out. There is no way I’ll let you belobbed outanywhere, okay? I’m not even sure where this is going. I haven’t talked with Hudson properlyyet.”

“He’s the one with the green eyes and dangerous smile, isn’t he?” she asks, sliding a piece of Witches’ bread onto a plate in front of me. “I saw him heading downstairsearlier.”

“Thanks Nish,” I say. “And yes, that’ll beHudson.”

“You reckon the music has something to do withhim?”

“Must be, given Calum has taken Bryce and Max to work. I should probably go find him, have achat.”

“You don’t seem too happy aboutit.”

“I’m not unhappy, just nervous. I don’t know what it is with Hudson, he makes me feel a little off-kilter,” I say, taking a bite of mybreakfast.

“You care about him, like the others, right?” sheasks.

“I do,” I respond betweenmouthfuls.

“Then go talk to him. I’ll be hanging around up here or in my room if you needme.”

“I will. Thanks,Nish.”

We finish eating our breakfast and then I follow the sound of the music, assuming that’s where Hudson will be. I end up back on the ground floor and walking towards another set of stairs that head down into a basement area. The music is loud, drum and bass. At the bottom of the stairs is a door which opens out onto a corridor. The distinct smell of chlorine hits my nose as I push it open. I know I shouldn’t be surprised to find a swimming pool down here, but I am. The layout is the same as the chalet in France. A twenty-five-metre pool sits behind a glass wall, the water undisturbed. I walk slowly along the corridor. Memories of Hudson swimming naked filter into my thoughts and a nervousness fills my chest. Yes, I spoke with him last night, but he was inebriated so I’d had the upper hand in that situation. This time we are on an even keel. Reaching the door at the other end of the corridor, I place my hand on the wood and push itopen.

Hudson has his back to me and is sprinting on a running machine. There is a look of sheer determination on his face as droplets of sweat run down his face and flatten his short hair against his head. No wonder the brothers are so fit, being able to access this gym daily. Hudson is wearing a pair of shorts and trainers, and that’s it. Sweat glistens across the bare skin of his back, and his tattoo looks like it’s alive, its piercing green eyes watching me as he moves. Stepping into the gym, I wait for Hudson to notice me in the mirror in front of him. The music is so loud I can feel it vibrate through my back as I lean against the wall. My heart is pounding so much it’s as though I am running with him. After a while he seems to snap out of whatever moment he is lost in and his eyes catch mine in the mirror. His hand slams down on the red safety button and the running belt stops moving immediately. Hudson turns around. He doesn’t move towards me. Sweat pours over his skin and rolls down his body. I can see his hands trembling. Still hewaits.

“Hudson…” I saygently.

Then, like a tornado ripping through a field, he storms towards me, pulls me into his arms and crushes me against hischest.