“Feelings? Hudson told me he’d never…” Ibegin.

“Aside from you, Beth was the first woman who I think Hudson could have eventually opened up to. Except,” Hudson stalls, pressing his fingers against hiseyes.


“Except the business deal didn’t go according to plan. Luke, Hudson and Beth travelled to Columbia to meet with Santiago. Beth was just there for the holiday while Luke and Hudson finalised the deal. While they were out there, Luke found out Santiago had some dodgy businesses on the side, that he wasn’t the person he presented himself tobe.”


“Drugs, cocaine mainly. He was, still is no doubt, one of the most powerful drug lords of allColumbia.”

“That doesn’t soundgood.”

“When Luke pulled out of the deal, things got nasty, quickly. Santiago Garcia took it upon himself to punish Luke by sending his minions to attack Beth. She was beaten badly, she spent a month in hospital out there. Hudson stayed with her the whole time. He flew her home when they knew she would be strong enough to survive the flight. During that time Luke had a massive heart attack and died. It was a fucking mess, Louisa. Since then, we’ve got our own security detail. Hudson still has eyes on Santiago. I worry that he’ll eventually try to takerevenge.”

“What happened toBeth?”

Bryce doesn’t answer for a moment, he seems to be gathering the courage to speak. He looks at me directly, his hazel eyes haunted. “Beth is in a nursing home. She’s paralysed from the neck down. She also suffers with severe post-traumatic stress and barely talks. We pay for around-the-clock care for her. Hudson visits her once a month. He would go more often but I don’t think he can take the guilt. Besides, she barely knows he’s there anyway. It’s fucked up.” Bryce rests his head in hishands.

Placing my mug of tea back on the table, I scoot closer to him and put my arm around his broad shoulders. “I’m sorry.” I don’t know what else to say. Bryce seems as affected by this tragedy as much as Hudson must be. “You’re fond of Beth too?” I askgently.

He lifts his head. “We all are. She was a nice person. You would have liked her, but the Beth we all knew isn’t around anymore. She checked out the night those bastards almost killed her.” Bryce allows me to pull him close, his arm snaking around myback.

“I didn’t mean to put Nisha in harm’s way. I honestly thought she’d be okay. The possibility that she could’ve ended up like Beth… I would never have forgivenmyself.”

“I know that. But no more secrets, okay? If we’re going to do this, be together, all of us, then there mustn’t be any secrets.Agreed?”

“Yes, darling. You know I’ll do anything to make you happy,” Bryce says, bringing his face close to mine. “I meant everything I said lastnight.”

“I believe you,” I say, and Ido.

* * *

We must have fallenasleep on the sofa, because the sound of the front door slamming and footsteps climbing the stairs wakes us both up. I untangle myself from Bryce’s warm arms and am immediately on my feet. The wall clock says it’s two in the afternoon. They’ve been gone a lot longer than Iexpected.

Hudson is the first to step onto the floor. He looks utterly exhausted and there is a huge purple bruise blooming around his righteye.

“Damn it, Hud, that’s one shiner you’ve got there,” Brycesays.

“Don’t worry, the guy who gave it to me is worseoff.”

“Where’s Nisha?” I say, rushing forward. I want to hug him, but not before I see Nisha first. I catch Hudson’s eye and give him an apologeticlook.

“It’s okay,” he says, shaking hishead.

“I’m coming, Lou,” Nisha says, climbing the stairs. Max and Calum are following behind her. I can’t see any obvious marks on her face, although she is holding herself awkwardly, so I know she’s in pain. The moment our eyes meet, whatever strength she’s holding on to dissolves and tears flood down her face. Now it’s my turn to be strong as she throws her arms around me. We hold onto each other for a long time. Over her shoulder, I can see Max looking deathly pale and Calum, utterlydefeated.

“I’m so sorry, Nish, this is all my fault,” I whisper into her hair. I can feel the wet of her tears against my neck. “Come on, let me take you to your room.” We move past Calum; he steps forward as though to speak with Nisha, but he hesitates for too long and we pass him by. I look over my shoulder at the four men watching us walk away. “I’m going to stay with Nish for a while, okay. I’ll come see you as soon as I can,” I say directly to Max. He gives me a tightsmile.

“Don’t sweat it, Icy. We’ll all be herewaiting.”

Closing the door gently behind us, I manoeuvre Nisha to her bed. She is shaking like aleaf.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I askgently.

Nish wipes away her tears on the back of her top. In fact, I realise it’s Calum’s jumper she’s wearing. He must have given it to her at the hospital orsomething.

“No, I don’t. I just want to sleep,” Nisha says, her voicequiet.