“I know that now. Old habits die hard,” I say gently. Leaning forward, I press my lips against Max’s mouth. I don’t care that it stings, all I want to do is kiss him. Max responds gently, aware that my lip is sore. It is a beautiful kiss, soft, tender, and yet still passionate, the soft delicate press of his mouth againstmine.

“God, Louisa, I want to make love to you. But I don’t want to hurt you.” Max pulls away. His blonde hair has fallen over his eyes and I brush itback.

“There are other things we can do.” The words slip from my mouth in a breathyrush.

“Louisa, don’t tempt me,” Max says, his deep brown eyes lighting up withneed.

Behind me, I feel Bryce stir. His firm body presses against mine as his warm hand absentmindedly strokes along mythigh.

“Morning, gorgeous,” he sayssleepily.

“Morning,” Maxresponds.

Bryce lifts his head and reaches over to gently punch his brother. “I wasn’t talking toyou!”

“Well, why not? I’m offended. I’ll have you know, it’s common knowledge that I’m the most handsome of the Freedbrothers.”

Bryce laughs. “Yeah, as if. You’re just a grown-up version of a puny skaterdude.”

“Funny, ha ha.” Max grins, not in the least bit annoyed. “Well, at least I’m not gorilla man. You’ve got more hair on your chest than you have on yourhead.”

I giggle at that. Bryce is hairy, but I likeit.

“Hey, don’t encourage him,” Bryce says lightly. “I thought you liked mymanliness?”

I twist my head to the side, catching his eye. “Oh, I do, very muchso.”

He presses a soft kiss against my cheek. “Well, that’s alright then. Did you sleepwell?”

“I did, thank you,” I say, twisting my body slightly to face him. The action has me wincing with thepain.

“Hey, go easy,” Bryce says. “Max has already arranged an appointment for you today. I want you checked over, just so we know you’reokay.”

“Sure, if you want, but I doubt there’ll be much he cando.”

“She,” Bryce correctsme.

“You have a female doctor? Thatfigures.”

“She’s old enough to be my mother,” Bryce says in mockoffence.

“Yeah, Dr Salahan is a lovely older woman, but not really our type. She’ll be able to prescribe more painkillers at least.” Max sits up in bed and pulls back the covers. “Blinds,” he says. Bright sunlight pours into the bedroom as the blinds lift. The day is bright and clear. No rain this morning. I am hoping it’s a goodsign.

“As much as I’d love to stay here all morning, we have work to do, bro. Hudson is skipping today, so we’ve got to take the board meeting at ten.” Max steps out of bed and stretches his arms up in the air. The firm muscle of his abs pulls taut, and I find myself wishing that he would get back into bed and devour me, but I know that that kind of attention will need to wait until I am feeling a little better. Max notices I’mstaring.

“If you keep looking at me like that, Icy, I’m not sure I’ll be able to control myself.” He swipes a hand through his blonde hair. “You look good enough toeat.”

Bryce chuckles in my ear. “That she does, Max, that she does,” he says, brushing his lips against mycheek.

“So, come back here and have ataste.”

Bryce growls into my ear at the words. “Don’t tease us,darling.”

“Why does everyone think I’m teasing?” I say,frustrated.

“You, beautiful, need to heal,” Bryce says, chuckling. “There is plenty of time forthat.”

He untangles himself from me and gets up too, leaving me more than a little frustrated. His tall frame, broad shoulders and dark chest hair have me practically panting. The bed feels awfully large on my own. I want nothing more than for them both to get backin.