I look down, expecting to see my flies undone, then frown when I don’t understand what he’s talking about. “Sorry?” Isay.

He gives me a questioning look then leans over, grabbing a seatbelt I hadn’t noticed until that moment. I press my back into the chair, shocked by his sudden nearness. He smells of expensive aftershave anddanger.

“There,” he says, clicking it together. “You’re all strapped in and ready for take-off.”

“You could have just told me,” I snap, pissed that he thinks he can just get into my personal space like that. I don’t know why I react that way. It’s not often you get an attractive man strapping you into a seat, but something about his presumptuousness pisses meoff.

He looks at me, eyebrows knotting together as if he didn’t expect that response. Then he shakes himself and holds out his hand. “My name’s Hudson. Those two imbeciles over there are my younger brothers, Max and Bryce,” he says, pointing at them. I glance over, and they are both grinning inanely at us. “Ignore them, they have huge egos. They think they’re God’s gift towomen.”

“And you? Do you think you’re God’s gift to women?” I ask before I can stopmyself.

Hudson looks at me, the easy smile dropping from his face, replaced instead with something far sexier. “You tell me,” hesays.

I look at his ridiculously handsome face and suddenly have the urge to knock him down a peg or two. He is way too cocky for my liking. “I think you and your brothers are very alike. Big egos appear to run in your family,no?”

Hudson’s eyes widen as his brothers laugh loudly. I smile inwardly, feeling I’ve handled the situation pretty well,considering.

For the rest of the flight, Hudson doesn’t bother talking to me again. Instead, he chooses to spend the entire time chatting up another air stewardess. Frankly, I don’t give two shits. After I get off this flight, I won’t be seeing either Hudson or his brothersagain.