Chapter Nineteen

“Well, darling, you of course,”Bryce says, holding his hand out for theblindfold.

Max drops it into his hand and Bryce scoots in closer to me. I turn my back to him, so he can place the blindfold over my eyes. He is exceedingly gentle as he ties it around my face. Once he has done so, I feel a featherlight kiss press against the curve of my neck. I startle at the sensation, my other senses heightened now I’ve lost my ability to see. Brycechuckles.

“It might be easier if you sat back on the sofa,” he says. I reach my hands down and scoot back, settling into the soft cushions. My heart is already pounding in my chest with the anticipation of what is about to happen next. I hear a jar being opened and the rush of air as someone sits down on the other side ofme.

“Open your mouth, Icy.” It’s Max. His voice is low, seductive and despite the fact he is using my nickname, there is nohumour.

I open my mouth and wait, feeling a little uncomfortable at what I must look like. A gentle hand rests against my cheek as a cold spoon slips past my lips. I close my mouth around it. The sweet taste of honey explodes across my tongue as Max pulls the spoon from my mouth. I swallow, running my tongue over my now parted lips, lapping at the sweet taste. Max’s hand slides down my face. The pad of his finger pulls at my bottom lip. I hear him groan as I open my mouth, allowing him access. Closing my mouth over his finger, I suckhard.

“Damn it, Louisa,” I hear him say as he shifts closer to me on the sofa. He pulls his finger free, replacing it with his mouth. “That sweet mouth of yours…” he starts, before sliding his lips over mine. He kisses me hungrily, both hands cupping my face. When he pulls away I am left breathless and wanting. Wanting more ofhim.

“My turn,” Bryce growls. The nuances of his voice have become familiar now, my man-mountain is turned on. So am I. Max moves back as I turn my head towards Bryce. He leans over me and I can feel something firm press against my mouth. It smells like a strawberry. He runs it across my lips before sliding it in. I take a bite, a little of the juice runs free. Bryce give me a moment to swallow then he leans down and licks,actually licks, across my lips. I never thought such an action would turn me on so much, but itdoes.

“Bryce,” I whisper when he pulls back. If I sound needy, it’s because I am. I want him to kissme.


My hands pull on the back of his head, urging him closer. Bryce obliges, going one step further. I feel one arm slide under the back of my knees as his other snakes around my back. He lifts me into his arms and for a long time there is just us as everything else dissolves. Bryce’s kiss becomes more heated, urgent, and his hands begin to stray further, moving up my thigh and under my top until they rest against mystomach.

“Bryce,” Hudson says. I can barely hear him over the rushing and pulsing in my ears. “Bryce,” he repeats. Bryce pulls away, a low chuckle erupting from his chest. “Sorry, Hud. Louisais…”

“I know, brother, I know,” Hudsonsays.

It is entirely strange to hear them talking about me and not see the expressions on their faces. I feel utterly desired. I am a hot mess in his arms. Bryce presses a kiss against my lips then slides me off his lap and into the arms ofHudson.

“Hello, beautiful,” he says, before crashing his lips against mine. I’m not sure what changes in that moment as we kiss, but suddenly I am being lifted from the sofa and carried elsewhere. A moment later I am sitting on something cold and firm. It feels suspiciously like the kitchentable.

“I want to touch you, taste you, not feed you,” Hudson laughs, encouraging me to liedown.

I lift my hands up in an attempt to slip the blindfold from my eyes, but Hudson captures my wrists in hishands.

“No, you should leave iton.”

I don’tresist.

“Lie back,Louisa.”

A hand rests on the back of my head and eases me down so that I am lying flat. “There we are, darling,” Bryce says. His lips graze across my forehead, before he pullsaway.

Warm hands undo my jeans, then roll them down over my hips, pulling my knickers free too, until I am bare from the waist down. Another set of hands, Hudson’s I believe, push my top upwards revealing my lace bra. I lift my arms as he eases it over my head, ensuring the blindfold remains in place. Another set of fingers slide under my back, unhooking my bra. My nipples pebble at the suddencold.

I hear movement around me, then jump as something cool and wet pours over my stomach, pooling in my belly button. A hot mouth follows the cold as lips move across my skin. A tongue laps at theliquid.

“Hmm, delicious,” Max says, pullingback.

The sensations that follow areintense.

Gentle hands slide across my body, soft lips graze across every inch of my skin. Tongues lap, teeth scrape, and moans fill the air. I’m not sure how long I lie there naked and open to the brothers Freed. Time ceases to exist as I allow the sensations to take over. All thoughts of my past, my mum, my self-doubt, it all dissolves under their attention. Nothing enters my head apart from the way they are making me feel. This is all about them worshipping me. Every touch, every kiss heightens the pleasure I feel. It’s so overwhelming that I feel tears slip from my eyes. Their hands and mouths fallaway.

“Louisa…” Max says gently, wiping at mytears.

I can’t explain to them that these tears are not because I am sad, they are because I feel adored. In a moment of clarity, I understand the Freed brothers and their addiction to women and sex. This is the closest I have ever felt to being loved and I don’t want it to end. Isn’t this what we are all searchingfor?

“We can stop,” Hudsonwhispers.

“No!” I say, almost panicked. “Don’t stop, don’t ever stop…” I pull him in for a kiss. I’m surprised at my own desperation. It frightensme.

“Sweetheart, as long as you want us, we’ll stay,” he says against mymouth.

So, they don’tstop.

They set me on fire. They play me like an instrument, each of them an expert at conducting my body. The brothers Freed take their time worshipping me with their hands and their lips. They get to know my body, what I like, what I love, what tips me over the edge, what keeps me hovering on the precipice, and through it all I realise one important thing: that in this moment I am theirs as much as they aremine.