Chapter Fourteen

“I thinkI should finally get breakfast ready,” Max says, planting a tender kiss on my cheek and untangling himself from behind me. Bryce gives him room to get off thebed.

“Look after her, brothers,” he says with a wink, before leaving theroom.

I settle myself between the two men, my face pressed against Bryce’s broad chest. Hudson is behind me, the whole length of his body firm against the back of mine. I let out a peaceful sigh, undeniably happy in the moment. I feel satiated, but there is still a shimmering desire lingering within me, one that is burning brighter by the second. We lay there, the three of us, legs and arms tangled around one another, my nakedness wrapped in their arms. Raising my hand to Bryce, I trace a finger over the dark hair of his chest. Of the three men, he has the most body hair and I find it undeniably sexy. He oozes masculinity in a raw, powerful way and before I know what I am doing I am curling my hands in his hair and pulling him down for another kiss. Behind me Hudson groans, his own desire still apparent and pressing into my lower back. From behind, I can feel his hand move between my legs and I part them, so he can slip a warm finger inside of me. As Bryce kisses me like the starving, Hudson brings me to a climax with his skilled fingers. It doesn’t take me long to become a hot mess in theirarms.

Bryce pulls me into his chest and feathers kisses into my hair. “You hungry now?” helaughs.

“Yes, I’m starving,” I say, still feeling the afterglow of the most amazing orgasm I have ever experienced. The Freed brothers are indeed incredibly gifted in bed, and that had just beenforeplay.

“Breakfast is served,” Max says from his spot by thedoor.

“Let’s go eat now before I change my mind and make you come again,” Hudson murmurs into my hair. I let out a delightedgiggle.

“Hey, looks like I missed out on all the fun.” Max crosses his arms andpouts.

I slide off the bed and saunter over to him, aware that I have not only Max’s but both Bryce and Hudson’s complete attention. Pressing my body against him, I trail my hand through his golden hair. “You’re next, Jester.” I have no idea where this sexy, confident Louisa has come from but she’s here and I likeher.

Max groans and covers my mouth with his. He tastes of maplesyrup.

“Come on, put Louisa down and let’s go eat. Have you forgotten there are presents to open,” Bryce says with a grin, as he pulls on his pyjama bottoms and then hands me my dressinggown.

* * *

After eatingthe delicious breakfast and washing it down with a cup of Earl Grey, we all go and sit beside the Christmas tree. I tuck my legs up under me on the sofa as I watch the brothers hand each other presents. Max rips each one open with the delight of a child, Bryce and Hudson open theirs carefully. It’s so sweet to watch and incredibly heart-warming. Before long each of the men have a pile of presents stacked up next to them. Weirdly, I don’t feel out of place, just happy to experience my first Christmas amongst a lovingfamily.

Hudson leans over and pulls out a gift bag I hadn’t noticed until now. It’s the last gift under the tree and I wonder which brother it isfor.

“This is for you, Louisa,” he says with a shysmile.

“Me?” I say, taken aback. I look at each brother in turn and feel my heart squeeze inside my chest. It seems to be doing that a lot lately. “You didn’t have to do that.” More to the point, when had they gotten around to buying megifts?

“Open it, Louisa,” Max says, grabbing the bag from Hudson and plopping it in mylap.

“I… thank you,” I say, pressing a hand against the pounding beat of my heart. I can feel tears welling in my eyes. The last time I had been given a Christmas present was when Richard was still with Mum. Before he arrived, and after he left, we didn’t do gifts. We didn’t do Christmas, full stop. “You don’t know how much this means,” I saysoftly.

“Open it, darling,” Bryce says. I catch his eye andsmile.

Placing my hands into the gift bag I pull out something soft wrapped in red tissue paper. I unravel it and lift up a white Pink Floyd logo t-shirt, similar to the one Ihave.

“Look at the back,” Hudsonsays.

I turn over the t-shirt and printed on it is a slightly altered verse from the song ‘Butterfly’.

Sometimes when I watchyou

I stretch out my hand to touchyou

‘Cause it drives mewild

To see you flutterby


I just want yourlove

“I don’t know what to say.” I look at Hudson, Bryce and Max, and my eyes fill with hopeful tears. If I’m honest, it isn’t my favourite Pink Floyd song, but the words they picked out have to mean something, don’t they? I re-read the last line again and again, my thoughts running wild with the possibility of what that couldmean.