Chapter Thirteen

“Wake up,it’s Christmas morning, you lazyoafs.”

I smile at the sound of Max ribbing his brothers on the other side of the corridor and their grumbles of protest. Yawning, I sit up in bed and stretch. Outside the snowfall is so heavy I can’t even see the forest. I think this must be what they call a white-out. The fact that I am inside, warm and cosy, whilst the snow is piling up outside makes me feel strangelyhappy.

I’m only wearing my underwear, so I pull on my fluffy dressing gown and socks before opening the door. Max is standing on the other side wearing a Santa hat. He immediately pulls me into a hug and presses a kiss on the top of myhead.

“Happy Christmas, beautiful,” hesays.

I don’t bother to pull him up on the flirting, it's Christmas day after all. Besides, I kind of like the way he looked at me when he said it. Like he meant I was beautiful, themeinside, not the way I looked on theoutside.

“Happy Christmas, Max,” Isay.

Max is suddenly a big kid, full of happiness and energy as he pulls me along the corridor and into the living room. I have no idea why he’s so excited, it’s not as if there will be any presents. I stop short when I see a tree covered in fairy lights, twinkling in the corner of the room. Underneath are several presents wrapped up in brown paper and redribbon.

“Wow, did Santa stop by last night while I wassleeping?”

“He may have done. Looks like Santa left a shed load of snow too,” Max smiles, pointing to the window. “It doesn’t look like we’ll be going anywhere until this heavy snowfall has passed and the snow plough can clear the mountain roads. Luckily we have enough supplies to feed the fivethousand.”

“Thank goodness for that,” I laugh, feeling excited rather than worried about the thought of being ensconced in the cabin with the brothers Freed. I don’t know what’s happened overnight, but this morning I feel entirely different about the whole situation. “Well, all I can say is, Santa did a sterling job thisChristmas.”

Hudson and Bryce pile into the room looking exceedingly cute with their messed-up hair and sleep-filled eyes. For the first time, Bryce hasn’t bothered to make himself presentable for breakfast and I can’t help but smile at how adorable helooks.

“Santa had a bit of help,” Bryce laughs, pulling his long hair up into a quick bun. “Merry Christmas, Louisa.” He steps over to me and pulls me into a hug. This time I don’t flinch or pull away, I just let him hold me. I barely reach his shoulder, so when I rest my head against his broad chest all I can hear is the steady rhythm of his heartbeating.

“Happy Christmas, Bryce,” I reply, stepping out of hishold.

“Right, let’s get breakfast started. Pancakes, maple syrup and bacon coming right up,” Maxsays.

“I’ll give you a hand, bro.” Bryce pecks me briefly on the cheek, then grabs a frying pan and drizzles oil into it whilst Max starts making pancake mixture. I watch them work together, laughing and joking. This is the first Christmas I have ever experienced without some kind of shit going down. All my previous memories of this day are filled with a drunk mother screaming and hollering, and a cold lonely dinner. When I see the brothers so full of happiness, a feeling of contentment settles inside my chest. It’s refreshing, and I hang on to itwholeheartedly.

“You okay there, Louisa?” It’s Hudson, he’s perched on the back of the sofa watching me watching hisbrothers.

“Yes, I’m great actually,” I say. It’s the truth. Today, I am just going to enjoy being amongst these men. I won’t let doubt or fear or worry about whether they are being genuine dampen my thoughts. I decide then and there that for one goddamn day I will allow myself this happiness and to hell with everythingelse.

“The Christmas tree, the presents,” I say, pointing to them. “Did you do this last night after I went tobed?”

“Yes, we had the presents brought up yesterday and stored in the outhouse before we arrived. Last night we had the tree and decorations delivered. Max organised it and all three of us decorated thetree.”

“You did?” I laugh. Hudson smilestoo.

“Why is that so hard tobelieve?”

“Well, it’s just soperfect.” I look at the jewelled baubles on the tree, at the carefully placed ornaments. It isbeautiful.

“Believe it or not, we love Christmas. Not growing up in a loving home meant we were deprived of what most people take for granted. It has become a tradition for us to celebrate together. We decorate the tree, exchange gifts, cook together. This is the first Christmas ever that we’ve wanted someone to join us. I’m glad you’re here,” Hudsonsays.

We look at each other for a long moment and I see the sincerity in hiseyes.

“Louisa, come here,” he says, holding open hisarms.

Without thinking too much about what I’m doing, I walk into them. His arms are warm and solid as they wrap around me tightly. We are almost the same height, him sitting on the back of the sofa, me standing between his legs. He presses his cheek against mine. “I hope you’ll forgive me someday for the way I’ve handled myself, Louisa. You’re special, we don’t want to lose you,” he sayssoftly.

I pull away from him, looking into the depths of his green eyes. My heart flutters at the hope, at the honesty I see in them. As we stare at each other, the background noise of Bryce and Max cooking breakfast falls away. I don’t know whether it is the magic of Christmas morning, my sudden decision to allow myself one day of happiness, or something else entirely, but whatever it is I leave the Louisa of yesterday behind and press a soft kiss against Hudson’smouth.

The moment our lips touch a raging desire explodes between us and I am acutely aware of Hudson’s hands as they grip my hips, pulling me closer towards him. Something inside me snaps, and I tangle my hands into Hudson’s hair, kissing him back with the same fervour he is kissing mewith.

“Holy shit, guys. Our backs are turned for oneminute…”