“We’ve never invited a woman to the cabin, but we’d likeyourcompany. None of us are particularly interested in anyone else’s right now,” Hudson says, then slams his mouth shut. Bryce and Max both give him a look that makes me think there is more to this request than meets theeye.

“Um, I don’tknow.”

All three of them are staring at me whilst I dither between my sudden desire to be alone with them in a cabin in the mountains, and the urge to run screaming from the chalet. I can see Bryce’s expectant look, Max’s hopeful expression, and Hudson’s hot gaze and I feel incredibly uncomfortable in my skin all of asudden.

“It’ll just be a couple of quiet days hanging out and eating,” Max says with a shrug. The strange thing is, although he is acting like it’s not a big deal, I can tell he really wants me to say yes. There’s almost a look of desperation about him. Bryce and Hudson are the same, they seem way too tense for this to be a casualrequest.

“Tell that to all the girls hankering after you three. I’m pretty sure most of the females in the resort would love to join you and would happily take my place,” I say, trying to make light of what is fast becoming a very tensesituation.

“Like Hud said, we don’twantanyone else,” Bryce says, his hazel eyes darkening so that they are almost the same colour asMax’s.

“We thought it would be fun,” Max chimes in, his voice slower, more sensual thanusual.

Thank God there is a kitchen island between me and the brothers because right now I feel as though they are all about a second away from doing something stupid. My heart is beginning to thump erratically in my chest as my mouth opens and closes like some dumb-arse goldfish. I am saved from responding at all when my phone rings loudly. I snatch it up from the counter. It’sMum.

Flipping open the phone, I walk from the room listening to my mother’s tirade whilst the brothers Freed watch me walk away from them yetagain.