She glances up at me. “Who?”

“Jordan Tuttle and Cannon Whittaker. They go way back, went to high school together. They’ve been good to me since I’ve joined the team,” I explain. “And they were both so nice to my parents when they came to visit last season, I had to put the offer out there. Didn’t expect them to accept, but they’ll be here this weekend.”

“How cool.” She doesn’t sound that interested, but I think it’s because she’s so overwhelmed with decorating the cake.

Yet I still can’t help but feel a little butt hurt.

“They fly in tomorrow.” I stare at her for a moment, waiting for her to look at me, but she doesn’t take her focus away from the cake. Is it rational to be jealous of food? Probably not. “I’m hoping we can all go to dinner together tomorrow night. Tuttle brought his fiancée and so did Cannon.”

“They’re both engaged?”

“Yeah, they are.” I’m a little envious of their relationships too. They both fell head over heels in love with their women, though Jordan never really fell out of love with Amanda since they were high school sweethearts.

I can totally relate.

“I’d love to meet them. As long as this cake will be done in time. Oh, and I have to finish the wedding cakes for this weekend.” She’s gnawing on her lower lip again, her laser focus concentration in full effect.

“You can do it,” I say with all the confidence of someone who doesn’t have to work on anything. “I have faith in you.”

“Gee, thanks.” Her voice is sarcastic. “Glad to know you’re by my side.”

I rear back in my chair, confused. She’s acting pissed. It’s gotta be stress. I’ve given her no reason to be stressed out or upset. I’ve been the perfect boyfriend this last week.

The perfect temporary boyfriend.

Shit. Maybe that’s the problem.

“If you don’t want to go to dinner tomorrow, it’s cool,” I say, keeping my voice even. I don’t want to show I’m angry. I’m not really angry.

But if I keep poking at her, provoking her, then I’m going to cause a fight.

Sighing, she sets the frosting tube down, pushing her hair away from her forehead before she blows an exasperated breath. “I’m sorry if I’m being a jerk. I definitely want to go, but I won’t be able to if this cake isn’t finished. Plus, I have the wedding cakes to do. Thank God, they’re not too outrageous.” She props her elbow on the table, rubbing at her temple as she remains quiet. Unease slips through me and I wait for her to say something else.

With a heavy sigh she says, “I have to be honest with you, Tucker. I’m claiming I’ll get it all done, but I won’t. I know I won’t. I have too much to do, I’m feeling overwhelmed, and there’s no way I can make time for dinner with your friends tomorrow. I’m so sorry.”

I sit there, blinking at her. I should appreciate her honesty. I do appreciate it. But I also feel like she’s not making enough time for me, and it…sucks.

I make time for her. All I want is to devote myself to her completely.

Clearly she doesn’t feel the same way.

“You’re busy. I get it.” I’m busy from August until February—if we make the playoffs and ultimately, the Super Bowl. That hasn’t happened in my career yet, but I know busy. I’ve experienced it enough that sometimes I forgot where I was, especially in the early years of my career.

She’s studying me, her gaze narrowed.

Uh oh.

“You don’t have to act so pouty,” she says.

“I’m not pouting,” I immediately return.

At least, I didn’t think I was.

“This is my life.” She waves her hands around the dining room area, her expression irritable. “This is what I do. And I know I’m overextended. I do too much, I don’t know how to say no, and you know what? I’m okay with that. I want to be busy. I need this. I need to grow my career, and make Cake Nation a total success. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy now, but I want more. I deserve more.”

“I agree. You do deserve more. You work damn hard, and I’m so proud of you. You can do so much—” I start to say, but she cuts me off.

“Right. I know. This is the only thing I’ve done on my own, and I can’t throw it away for someone else. For something that has no guarantees.” Her chest is rising and falling frantically, her lips parted, her eyes wide, and I’m…