I want a life with Cannon.

“If you need time, I totally understand. You have responsibilities here,” he tells me when I must take too long to answer him. “I’m probably moving too fast for you.”

“No.” I shake my head, and his entire mood deflates. I realize quick my wrong choice of words. “Wait, I mean no, you’re not moving too fast for me. I’ll go to California with you.”

Before I can say anything else, he’s kissing me again, his lips drugging me, putting me under his spell. “I’ll make an honest woman of you,” he whispers after he breaks the kiss. “When I take you to California, I’ll find the biggest diamond I can afford and put it on your finger so everyone knows your mine.”

I like his mine talk. It’s a little caveman, and a lot sexy. “I don’t need a big diamond,” I tell him, lifting my right hand so I can tunnel my fingers through his hair. “As long as I have you.”

“I’m giving you a big diamond,” he says with finality, and I’m not going to protest.

Secretly, I always did want a large diamond on my finger so I can show it off. What woman doesn’t?

“I’ll have to tell my parents right away,” I say.

“Think they’ll be mad at me?” he asks with a frown.

“They won’t be pleased I’m leaving. They’ll worry about me and think I’m too impulsive, but I don’t care. They’ll have to get used to it.” Now I’m the one who’s cupping the side of his face. “Not to put any pressure on you, but if you do put a ring on my finger, that’ll ease their worry somewhat.”

“If you’re cool with it, that’s my immediate plan,” he says eagerly.

“I am so cool with that,” I say with a laugh, pulling him back in for a kiss.

“Everything’s going to change,” he tells me minutes later, when we’re still snuggled together on the couch, the TV show forgotten, and only focused on each other. “When you come to California with me.”

“I know.” I’m grinning. “I can’t wait.”

Six months later

“Hey, got your text. Are you okay?” Cannon comes to a complete stop in the doorway

, his eyes going wide when he sees me. “What the hell?”

I’m lying in the middle of the California king bed, wearing absolutely nothing. No bra, no panties, no nothing.

I am completely naked in the middle of the afternoon and I sent Cannon a silly text saying I needed him to come back to our suite right away. We’re staying at a fancy hotel on Pebble Beach—we came with some of Cannon’s teammates—and he was out golfing with them, but I got bored.

And horny.

“Damn, woman, I gave up my golf game for you.” He’s already tearing off his polo shirt, his abs rippling with the movement, and my fingers itch to touch him. Stroke him, lick him, suck him, all of the things.

All of the many, many things he likes me to do to him.

“I hope I’m worth it,” I say innocently, my mouth dropping open when he undoes his khakis and reveals the monster erection stretching the front of his navy blue boxer briefs. He kicks off his shoes, sheds his pants and underwear, and then he’s just as naked as me.

“You are so worth it,” he says, his tone menacing as he stands at the end of the bed. Not menacing in a bad way, more like menacing in an I’m going to eat you up and you’re going to scream for more way.

“What are you waiting for then?” I arch a brow, a move I’ve been working on for months in the mirror when I put on makeup in the morning or do my hair. Or brush my teeth.

Okay, fine, I’ve been practicing the move endlessly, and I finally think I have it down.

He practically leaps on the bed, the mattress sagging beneath his weight. I have a flash of worry for a moment—he only just wrapped up physical therapy for his knee, and I don’t want him hurting it again—but I quickly realize he’s fine.

And he’s currently got his lips wrapped around my nipple, sucking it deep into his mouth.

I slide my fingers into his hair and keep him there, arching into his mouth, closing my eyes as the delicious sensation of his lips and tongue on my flesh washes over me. This never gets old. Spending time with Cannon, talking to him, laughing with him, having sex with him, it never, ever gets old.

I never, ever want it to stop.