She contemplates me, her gaze dropping to the brace wrapped around my knee. “You flew all the way to England to see me? With your knee like that? When you need surgery?”

I nod. “Sure as hell did. Had to make sure you were all right.”

“I’m guessing you’re skipping doctor’s appointments to do this?” She raises her brows, dropping them immediately with a wince.

Bet that hurt.

“Maybe.” I shrug. “I can go see the doctors when I get back home.”

“And when will that be?”

“Not sure. How long do you need me to stay?”

She looks ready to burst, she’s so happy at my words. “However long you can.”

I’m hoping a week. It might be less. Then again, it might be more. Even better, maybe I can convince her to come back with me for a little while.

“Is someone coming to pick you up?” I ask.

Susanna makes a little face. “My parents. They’ll probably be here any minute.”

“So I’m going to meet the dragon lady?” She told me a few choice things about her mother, and how her friend Evie gave her that nickname. She also told me how hard she is on Susanna.

“Actually, she’s been really sweet since I got into the accident. Nothing like a car crash to remind my mother that she needs to get over herself and her exacting standards,” Susanna says sarcastically.

“I’m glad she’s being nicer,” I say, and I mean it. I don’t know what I’d do if my mom and I didn’t get along, though she’s all I got, and I’m all she has. We have to be nice to each other or else we’re all alone in this world, with no real family to anchor us.

“I have so much to tell you.” Susanna’s entire face lights up. “I went to my parents’ house on Saturday with Evie and so many things happened.”

“Tell me about them later, okay? Don’t overexert yourself. We need to get you out of here.” I walk around her room, looking for her belongings, opening a slim door that looks like a closet to find her purse and a small duffel bag sitting inside on the floor. “Is this your stuff?” I call from the closet.

“Probably. Oh.” Her voice changes, becomes a little higher. “Father. Mother. You’ve made it.”

I whip around to see her father walk in, a tall, thin blonde woman following behind him. They don’t even notice me, they’re too focused on their daughter lying in that hospital bed, and I can’t blame them.

She’s become important to me in such a short amount of time, she’s all I can focus on too.

Grabbing her things out of the closet, I shut the door and then turn back around to face them. Her father notices me first, coming to an abrupt stop when his gaze lands on me. “Oh. Your fellow is here, Susanna.”

Another man who states the obvious.

“I had to make sure she’s all right,” I say as I approach him, thrusting my hand out for a shake. “It’s good to see you again, my lord.”

“Please. Enough with the my lord,” her father says, giving my hand a firm shake. “Call me Harwood.”

I chance a look over at Susanna. From the pleased expression on her face, it appears I’ve just made progress. But her father’s not the one I worry about.

It’s her mother.

“Hello,” she says coolly, taking the initiative first. “You must be Cannon.”

“I am.” I’m at a loss. Should I try to shake her hand too, or is that a no-no?

“It’s so very nice to meet you.” She offers her hand and I guess it’s not a no-no, so I shake it.

“Nice to meet you too,” I say warily.

She takes a step back, crossing her arms as she contemplates me. “You must really care about our Susanna if you jumped on a plane and flew all the way here to check on her wellbeing.”