He steals the rest of my w

ords with kiss, and I give in.

I’m digging through the tiny wardrobe in my tiny flat, lamenting over my lack of anything casual yet pretty, when my phone rings. Considering it’s under a pile of jumpers in various shades of gray, I’m surprised it’s still ringing when I finally find it.

“I’ve done something, and I’m afraid you’ll think me totally mad,” I answer as I go through my gray jumpers once again.

“Please tell me what you’ve done. I need to focus on someone else’s drama for once in my life,” says my best friend Evie.

We’ve known each other forever. Our fathers are close friends too.

“You won’t believe it if I told you.” I glance at the clock on the wall and see that I have maybe an hour before I need to leave. Thank goodness I’ve already taken a shower, and hopefully traffic won’t be too dreadful.

But it probably will be. It’ll take me forever to get there, to find parking—because I currently have my father’s old Mercedes, so why not drive it?—and when I finally do make it to the stadium, most of the game will be over and I’ll have to fake it to Cannon that I saw the entire game.

“Give it a try. I’d love to hear what you consider a wild story.” Evie’s tone is dry, edged with sarcasm, and that’s because she loves to give me a hard time about being…boring. Not in a mean way, it’s just facts. She’s the wild child in our friendship. The one who’s drawn to rebellious men, who can’t keep a job even though she really doesn’t need to, considering how wealthy her family is. Over the years she’s dyed her hair a variety of colors, pierced her nose, her bellybutton and some part of her vagina I told her I didn’t want to know about, and she has secret tattoos.

They’re secret because she knows her parents will have coronaries if they ever found out about them.

“Are you sure you want to hear this?” I’m teasing her. Drawing this out. But I need to get on with it. Time is limited.

“Jesus, just tell me already.”

“I met a man last night. And…I slept with him.”

Evie’s quiet for a moment. “Did you actually sleep with him or have sex with him?”

“I had sex with him,” I say quietly. “Many times.”

“How many times?”

“I…lost count.”

Evie whistles low. “Seriously? Was he any good? What am I asking, he had to be good. You lost count.”

“He was the best I’ve ever had,” I confess.

“Better than Colin?” She knows I judge all dates by Colin standards.

“Much better,” I say with emphasis. “In every way better than Colin, if you understand what I’m saying.”

“Whoa, so are you telling me you found someone who’s better at going down on a woman than Colin?” Even Evie thinks Colin is the king of lady head. She’s heard all the stories, all the lurid details. We share everything, Evie and I.

“Yes,” I say eagerly, wishing I could go into more detail.

Or…hmm. Maybe not. Maybe I shouldn’t go into full detail about last night. What happened between Cannon and me should be private. Sacred.

“Who is this man with the magical mouth?” Evie asks.

“He has a magical dick too.” There goes my plan on keeping my moment with Cannon private and sacred.

“Seriously? I’m so jealous, darling. I haven’t had good dick since I don’t know when,” Evie gushes. She’s called herself a connoisseur of dick before, so I guess she should know.

“He’s also very sweet.” I think of all the nice gestures he made last night. He was a gentleman, yet a complete pervert too. It was an intoxicating mixture, I can’t deny it.

“Who is this unicorn of a man?”

“Here’s the thing. He’s a footballer.”