“So you’ve only been dating him for a week?”

“If you can call one date and a request to accompany him to his parents’ house for the weekend as dating, then yes,” Priscilla answers.

Oh. My. God. My brother did all of this on purpose. He had to have! He used this poor woman to what…somehow get back at Evie? Make her jealous? I don’t know the full story here, and I’m not sure if I ever will, but I do know that I feel terribly sorry for Priscilla and her part in all of this.

“You must hate my brother,” I say. “And you’re allowed to. He’s kind of a prick.” He’s a total prick.

“No, I don’t hate him. Not at all. He was just confused.” She smiles, but it’s tinged with sadness. I wonder if she’s trying to put up a brave front. I mean, if I were her, I wouldn’t confess anything to me either. I’m his sister, after all.

Father appears in the corridor, blinking rapidly when he finds us. “Priscilla, dear, I’ve arranged for a taxi to come pick you up. It should be here in twenty-five minutes.”

Calling for a taxi in the country is never a quick process.

“A taxi, Dad? Won’t that cost a fortune by the time she gets to London?”

“I’m covering it,” he says with a wave of his hand. “And I’ll force George to pay me back later.”

We all laugh at that one.

“I can drive her back,” I suggest.

“You absolutely cannot,” Priscilla says at the same time my father says, “Brilliant idea! I’ll cancel the taxi.”

He’s gone in an instant, pulling his cell phone out of his pocket as he walks away.

“You don’t need to drive me,” Priscilla says when he’s gone. “

I can take that taxi, and I’ll even pay for it.”

“Please, I’ll drive you. I want out of here anyway,” I tell her. “Just let me go gather my things, and I’ll be ready in a few minutes.”

“Are you sure?” Priscilla’s frowning. “You want to take a car ride with the woman your brother just rejected for your best friend?“

“More like do you want to spend an entire car ride to London with the sister of the man who just rejected you for her best friend?” I return.

Priscilla laughs. “I don’t have a problem with it if you don’t.”

“I don’t,” I tell her with a smile.

“I need to pack as well,” she says, and it’s decided for us.

“Meet me in the foyer then, and off we’ll go.” I give her arm a reassuring pat and return to the dining room to let everyone know I’m leaving with Priscilla.

Not that anyone is really paying attention. George and Evie are engrossed in an intimate conversation, constantly touching each other, while Dad is yelling into his phone at the taxi company, and Mother is watching the newly declared couple with undisguised disgust.

“I’m definitely taking Priscilla home,” I tell my father once he’s finished with his call. “So I won’t be returning.”

“Aw, my sweet, I didn’t get to see you much.” Dad smiles at me and I wrap him up in a big hug.

“I’ll come back another time. Or maybe you can visit me in the city.” I lean in close to his ear to murmur, “Maybe you can leave Mother at home.”

He laughs and shakes his head. “That actually sounds quite nice.”

I approach George and Evie next, slapping my brother hard on the arm and making him yelp. “You should be ashamed of yourself.”

“Why?” he asks incredulously as he turns to face me.

“Bringing Priscilla here when you’re not interested in her and torturing Evie. How dare you!”